Sandbox Boardwalk v2.1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by CaptainMcSMOKE, May 5, 2009.

  1. CaptainMcSMOKE

    CaptainMcSMOKE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: Boardwalk (v2)
    Best For: Team slayer, Slayer FFA

    Link to original map

    UPDATED 5/4/09 11:36 EST
    - Did some interlocking on the angled wall of the blue base (thanks to A Punker for the suggestion.)
    - Deleted the ghost
    - Smoothed some edges
    - Took a look at balance and sight lines and tweaked accordingly. (thanks to toasted kittuns for the suggestion.)

    Designers Description:
    This map, to put it simply(and in my own words), is semi-symmetrical. It's easy to see why I say this after you play it. Sight lines are wonderful and for an asymmetrical map when it comes to design, Boardwalk holds many symmetrical properties(weapon,cover,vehicle,and equipment placement) that neither give advantage or disadvantage to either team on Team Slayer and provides a great Rumble Pit experience as well. 2-12 players

    Red Base Left side view

    Middle of the Map

    [​IMG]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x768 and weights 69KB.[​IMG]
    On the Rocket Platform

    Red Base Right side view

    Blue Base/Boardwalk Right side view

    Middle View - Blue Base

    Blue Base Right side view


    Weapons and Vehicle Description (with respawn times)
    2x warthog (90)
    2x mongoose (45)
    2x chopper (120)
    6x BR (30)
    2x mauler (60)
    1x rocket launcher (120)
    1x needler (45)
    2x smg (60)
    2x carbine (45)
    1x sniper rifle (120)
    1x power drain
    1x bubble shield
    1x regenerator
    2x overshields

  2. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It seems too disorganized for my liking, and I don't like the aesthetics much either. I don't see much gameplay potential for a map like this. I'm sorry, but driving around in a warthog where there's columns sticking out of the ground in a disorganized way would frustrate me. Also, please remove those radio antennaes. The kind of make it look even worse.
  3. CaptainMcSMOKE

    CaptainMcSMOKE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, just a thought. Try it out.
  4. The Violence Within

    Senior Member

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    (Brief Review) The map looks pretty decent in itself, the two bases look pretty well made loving the catwalk. But the only thing I would change is the random cover. Columns sticking out everywhere do not look good, try to make a structure that provides cover and helps the map flow more. One of my pet hates is random cover all over the ground.

    Overall from pics seems pretty good, keep forging!
  5. CaptainMcSMOKE

    CaptainMcSMOKE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    okay, i'll be going back and looking at cover. Admittedly, my first reviews on sunday were mostly about the lack of cover, and i got a little overzealous when i went back and tweaked. For the record though, I've played this map and drove every vehicle around with very little problem its not like you would go to turn and not be able to.. but alas, i get your qualms and I thank for the tips! Update later today.

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