Sandbox coliseum & coliseum-nades

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by chung_wii, May 4, 2009.

  1. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    Coliseum, And Coliseum-Nades
    Created by chung wii

    This is my third and forth map to be posted on forgehub so any constructive criticism would help. =)


    Supported Gametypes
    (Great for BR's, no matter what gametype.)

    It is a Symmetrical 2v2 map, That has many tactical options. The "small corners" are great for BR battles... you can throw grenades off of the wall, You can jump on to the corner and surprise the player on the other end, And more.

    The "sword bowl" in the center of the map is good for bubble shield placement, And is the spawn of the oddball and locations of Hill.

    Great for BR's, no matter what gametype. Spawns are effective, And work correctly. The layout is simple and easy to maneuver around. Weapon placement is spread out, And Weapon power is limited.

    Weapons on map...
    Sword (60) The sword sounds too overpowering, But actually it is very balanced and Isn't overpowering when playing BR's.

    4 BR, 2 clip (40)

    4 SMG (40)

    (I know that sounds like a small weapons amount, But keep in mind this is a 1v1, And 2v2 map, So not many weapons are needed.



    Grenadiator (REQUIRED!!!)
    [Grenade+gladiator=Grenadiator] LOL

    It is a symmetrical milti team map, Which fits the gametype "grenadiators". The only main changes are...

    Magnum/plasma pistol (starting weps.)
    Regular shields
    Grenade regeneration
    Infinite ammo

    And that's all. It sounds boring but is a bundle of fun!

    Fits gametype grenadiators. "What that is that gametype?" You might ask yourself??? Well, It is suitable for those fans of grenades. It basically is a grenade war in the middle of a coliseum.


    Video's of both maps

    (I spent HOURS trying to get these to work and a whole lot more editing, Capture card problems, And... URG! just be thankfull that I tried, and Spen hours for you guys! thanks. =)


    (open spoiler)



    Main tower w/ sword bowl

    (i'm just going to show blue because it's symmetrical)

    Blue spawn (front)

    blue spawn (back)[​IMG]




    BR spawn[​IMG]





    Blue again

    Red again

    Center structure[​IMG]

    Center agian (the wooded part is supposed to look sloppy because I wanted to give it an ancient feel)[​IMG]




    That's all folks. I hope you liked these 2 maps And I hope to make more in the future. (any tips on the v2 would help, And Don't tell em how much I suck at halo cuz I know i do. lol) Happy forging!
    #1 chung_wii, May 4, 2009
    Last edited: May 4, 2009
  2. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    This is definitely one of the best colosseum maps ever! and one of teh first on sandbox. The aesthetics are great on both, but i would recommend on the first one is that the sword pit should have ramps to lead up to it so that you wouldn't have to jump, but thats jsut my opinion. It looks like a load of fun and am queing it now. Im gonna give it a 4/5 based on overall amazingness!

    MAP MAKER Ancient
    Senior Member

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    1ST POST YAY, i watched the first video and it seems like a well made map, my only concern was at one point near the begginging the dude throws a nade and it goes under the double wedge ... this could prove annoying and wouldnt take 30 mins to sort, just use double walls on the very bottom of the blocks in literally the exact same place and this prevents nades from getting trapped becase the walls are perfecrlty straigh whereas the blocks often have inperfactions ... also only a small point but ... my god find a better player to showcase your map as you want someone showing you all the tactical advances to the map - jumps etc ... not just someone who cant BR for **** and moves round the map in the same way all the time ... it got boring ...
    other than that a nice looking map a V.2 with fixed problems will definatly get a spot in my cue ... nice one
  4. Ix Massacre xxI

    Ix Massacre xxI Ancient
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    Um I think the pics are to big because you have to scroll back and forth just to see one. Anyway to the map, there is a lot of cover for you but, this has been done many times before (no offense but some are better looking). The wall for the orbs I think should have been a wall instead of the wood, just to make it a little better looking. Overall it's an okay map the rating for me (with out playing on it) is 3/5.
  5. Blood of the Fallen

    Senior Member

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    Yeah the player sucks, like badly, but the map isent bad. its not really a coliseum though, its more an arena.
  6. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    MAP MAKER, What double wedged are you talking about? And That was me playing (FYI) and I know I'm not very good, you don't have to shove it in my face... i already stated that I wasn't amazing. It isn't a post for showing off my playing ability, its a post for my map... And if you are judging a map by the player playing on it, Then that is truly sad... Thank you ShortKidPena For your kindness. (lol) But Ix Massacre xxI, Idk what you are saying about the pictures because they are perfect size for my browser. Unless you are talking about when you click on it to resize it... but idk. Blood of the Fallen, Yeah I know I'm bad as said above... Thank you guys for positive feedback! Let me know if you guys see more problems. And I'd appreciate if you guys would play a 1v1 or 2v2 on it, And then leave me a reply telling me how the game went... I'd appreciate it.
    #6 chung_wii, May 5, 2009
    Last edited: May 5, 2009
  7. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    This map is great. Coliseum maps usually don't have much gameplay to give out, but this one redeems itself from the stereotyped genre. The cover and the line of sight are really well engineered and applied into the map to improve gameplay, and make 2v2s something unique. The center structure is my favorite part of the map; it looks good, and it positivley defracts the LoS slightly to push more tactical manuevers.

    I want to see more arenas from you! They're one of my favorite map types, and you know how to make 'em. Great job.
  8. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    Thank you, I think I will make more, I am getting no feedback from downloaders. If you say you will DL, Give me some feedback on the map please. It helps me make my future maps better. f you guys could do that, I'd be great.
  9. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    Fun map chung_wii. I would like to play a nades only game on the first Colosseum you made, but I never got a chance to. 1 vs. 1s and 2 vs. 2s were very fun though on both maps! Both maps looks pretty cool as well. 5/5 :)
  10. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    Thank you man. I thinmk the idea of nades on the 1st one would be coo las well, I just never thought of it.
  11. tehuberleetist

    tehuberleetist Ancient
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    Usually coliseum maps are a bit boring and repetitive. this, however, looks really interesting. The center area looks great, but the sword seems to be a bit dominating.
  12. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    It does SEEM too dominate, But if it is played in BR's, Then a good 4 shot from long range will easily put you in control.
  13. rudy121094

    rudy121094 Ancient
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    I went searching for maps that were a few pages back, and i really liked this one, and It caught my eye. I think it is PERFECT for 1v1's, And it seems like the "grenadiator" gametype/map would be loads of fun. GREAT interlocking, and weapon placement, And... Overall great! 5/5 man, keep up the good work!
  14. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    I thought my thread was long, long lost. lol, But Thanks for the comment man. I will be trying to improve on the map if you have any ideas i'd appreciate it. thnx
  15. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    Thank you. I don't think it's the greatest map ever, But anyways I appreciate it, But there is much more out there. lol. The featured maps is where it's at bro...
  16. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Looks really good, and great job with the video. Although not the best player... This map is great and it doesnt look off-shaped from what i have seen. Center looks neat but i find that there could be more cover on the map.
  17. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    it terms of shape, i interlocked every double block/large block on the first 2 rows around the circle so it's a perfect circle. And about cover, It would be WAAAY to crowded if there was any more cover. I've played literally 20-30 games on this map, And It plays perfectly with no cover issues. 1v1 or 2v2 Team BR's is my recommended gametype for this map, Because it makes the team w/ the sword have a tough long range game if they only use the sword.
  18. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    [originally posted by chung_wii]
    (Great for BR's, no matter what gametype.)

    Seems as though this map was built for one purpose, can anyone guess? great map honestly but usually everything works for BRs (because it's usually the only weapon people use) And it would be great to maybe add a carbine or two, balance issues. I like how you put SMGs. SMGs are perfect for this map. They were made for CQC and are not overpowering, a person duall wielding those bad boys (or a BR -_-) could take out a sword user who didn't know excaclty what they were doing. Again great map, weapons weapon weapons. Please take this as constructive critizism (not bashing BRs who said anything about that?) and I hope maps like yours will be more common on FH.
  19. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    Alright. Thanks for your input.

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