Here's my latest piece of work: RFU stands for Red Faction Underground, a community clan for the upcoming game Red Faction Guerrilla. CnC pls.
I think it looks really good Shataki but my only questions are: RFG has clan support? Or is this on Gamebattles?
I'm fairly positive that it has clan support on all systems. I talked to Volition themselves and I believe that's what they said.
Oh ok that's going to be awesome then. I already pre-ordered the game so I can't wait for it to come out. That's a good idea to put clan support in. Also is it like Shadowrun where you can play against other platforms?
RFU? I was thinking of making a clan with FH members as founders but you beat me to it. Still need to find a new job though...
It's not my clan, I'm just a part of it. As much as I love RFG, I'd like it if we could keep the discussion in this thread about my signature.