Sandbox Ivory Tower H3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by MavRen Ra, May 4, 2009.

  1. MavRen Ra

    MavRen Ra Ancient
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    Ivory Tower H3 is a remake of the default map 'Ivory Tower' from Halo 2.
    Since Sandbox gives people a lot of options to built maps, favorite maps of Halo:CE and Halo 2 have been remade by forgers and got downloaded by interested players, among them is me.
    But I also wanted to play on 'Ivory Tower' but could not find a remake on Sandbox. So, I thought I try to built it myself.
    It took quite some time and I needed to visit the original map alot to get the remake close to it in layout, size, details etc.
    I used the whole budget and since I just used the default respawns, necessary weapons and the objective items from Sandbox there's also no more item possible to be placed.
    All the original weapons, grenades and the OS got placed and every gametype is supported.
    Power weapons respawn within 2-3 min, most of the other weapons at 30s.
    The maximum of BR's and Carbine's on the map is set to 6.
    Recommended gametypes are Team Slayer, One Flag, One Bomb (two bomb plant spots).

    1.The glass wall near OS is missing, but building a structure out of shielddoors and solids is not possible without budget.
    2.Some airlifts are missing, but using grav lifts would be to expensive so that the usage of them would reduce the map in other details.
    3.Sword is not underground enough? It is a compromise again due to budget and object limits.
    4.The roof of the tower got built with golf items, because they cover more area than other items and they are cheap. The main idea was to get the right feeling within the tower passages and let people not escape the map with normal or grenade jumps. See the description on the file for the logical use of those items. ;)
    (Also, I wanted to place an antenna for the tree in front of the tower but due to the fact that a bomb explosion underneath (on the gametype Assault) makes the antenna jump, the antenna hits those golf gras items and they then try to pull it into the wholes (such as usually golf balls). That is why I placed a solid item there.
    Normally the tree does not touch the tower, but in the remake the item does: with that I prevent people from exiting the map from this very item.

    Enough talk, have pics (from

    If you 'stand still' while rising with the lift you get up easily, whilst pressing forward may let you hit the wall. (behind the tower)

    It is not that cramped as it looks here. (the 'park')

    One of the tactical jumps thought of to be possible.

    Another tactical jump..

    The Sword passages. Not as underground as people might be used to, but at least implemented..
    #1 MavRen Ra, May 4, 2009
    Last edited: May 4, 2009
  2. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Wow. Props for remaking Ivory Tower, that's a hard map to make. Enclosed maps always are a challenge to make. It looks smooth, and neat. The only thing I see missing are the elevators. Or are those the grav lifts? Anyway, I'll DL and review further.
  3. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Nice work! I'm also working on a remake of Ivory Tower, so i know how difficult it is. I built the very bottom level of the map instead of using the crypts ground level though. Did you leave that out to save items? I also noticed that you only put a barricade by the overshield spawn, so its missing a whole wall. But because you ran out of items, it would be difficult to would put wooden bridges around the center. Great remake though! I'll try it out once my remake is done (so i don't use any of your ideas by mistake.)
    #3 Gunnergrunt, May 4, 2009
    Last edited: May 4, 2009
  4. master kief

    master kief Ancient
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    That's a bold remake. You should try it on a budget glitched map.

    It looks like you have the essentials in the map. Are the lines of sight pretty accurate? I hadn't seen an Ivory Tower yet, and it's nice to see someone else working on one too. Once the FH Halo 1/2 map remake contest is over, hopefully some of these people will rework their maps on a budget-glitched canvas, to add the last few drops of aesthetics that make the maps FEEL more playable.

    Also, I like how the half wall sits up on sniper spawn to make the U-shaped figure. Not quite tall enough for a ledge, but creative.
  5. l ABlindGuy l

    l ABlindGuy l Ancient
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    Looks like a great map, but IMO there are too many objects/blocks in the map that don't really need to be there. But an excellent remake nonetheless.
  6. HAHA a Magnum

    HAHA a Magnum Ancient
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    omg i think i love you
    ive been waiting for a remake of this caliber for a LONG time
    im dl right now

    THANK YOU!!!
  7. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    very nice. there is a lot of detail into this map, but some things left out. I am also on my way making a near-perfect remake of Ivory TOwer and Containment, and from this i see it's pretty good. The sword spawn is wrong, I no u no, but that's ok. I'm having trouble with that 2. But anyway nice remake and BTW u could or should have used tin cups for the center area. There's other asthetically helpful things i could tell oyu but i dont want u 2 beat me! Good luck and fabulous job. 4.5/5
  8. BORG k79

    BORG k79 Ancient
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    Great looking remake.

    I have just completed Ivory Tower in the skybubble however my version has hit the OLN because I had to budget glitch several items to get the desired result. This has caused me to alter the map slightly but damn you did a good job using the Crypt.

    The only thing missing, like you stated in your description, is the basement that holds the sword. However it looks like everything still flows well.

    Downloading for sure.
  9. abandoned heretic

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    let me the first to say terrible why because the crypt does not offer enough room for an even close remake the size has alot to do with gameplay this plays nothing like ivory tower you had to take parts of the map out again effecting gameplay please noone trry to do remakes sandbox is not large enough for any remake not even the main floor dont try it
  10. wwm0nkey

    wwm0nkey Ancient
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    Cant wait to see your version from what I saw in the skybubble version yours will be great too

    On this map though it plays VERY well. Keep up the great work!
  11. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    no it isnt theres only one h2 map that would fit in the crypt and the est woldnt be able to go into the main area the crypt is probably 1/3 of ivory tower
  12. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    It looks really nice, very even flow, and it has all the essentials of Ivory Tower, but as stated a budget glitched map works alot better, iv tested Borg's with him so i'm defiantly downloading this one to see how it plays. Great work =)
  13. squirrelxb

    squirrelxb Ancient
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    First Ivory Tower remake I've ever seen. This is pretty amazing, especially considering that you didn't use the unlimited budget glitch. It looks like every liberty you've taken with the map due to the budget restrictions is minimal and doesn't look like it will affect gameplay. I was just playing Ivory Tower on my original Xbox earlier today and was remembering how good a map it was.

    I will definitely download this when I get my 360 back from Microsoft (RROD).
  14. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    Thats a lie.
    I'm remaking Warlock on the Crypt, and I'll need put blocks all around the map, because the crypt is BIGGER than Warlock.

    If you dont believe me take a look: Halo 2 Warlock/Map Overview - Halo2 Wiki - Halo 2 Multiplayer Guide, Maps, Weapons, Strategy

    Other maps that probably fit in the crypt are Elongation, Turf and Desolation.
    Not sure about Colossus. Probably wouldnt fit, but a smaller version wouldnt hurt the gameplay.

    About the map, seems great, I dont think it would play like Ivory Tower, but its worthy for the nostalgic feel. Congratulations and thank you.
    #14 Dragull, May 4, 2009
    Last edited: May 4, 2009
  15. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Foundation would fit but without the bases behind each corner wall.
  16. master kief

    master kief Ancient
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    I was working on a Colossus remake (realized I would hit budget limit and quit). In Halo 2 I booted up the map and timed approx. how long it took to run the longest walls of the map.

    The Crypt is smaller. But by no more than 5 seconds either direction, IIRC. I also don't think a smaller version would hurt gameplay much.

    The hardest thing about Colossus is how the floors are leveled. There's the main bottom level, a level about one and a half walls high with the bases on the side, another about 3/4 higher than that beneath the high sniping spot, and the snipe perch/bases are one floor higher than that.

    I tried doing first floor, third floor, fourth floor, fifth floor. If I attempt the remake, it'll be 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and I'd sacrifice the depth of the bottom pit that holds the powerup.
  17. MavRen Ra

    MavRen Ra Ancient
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    I think it is okay, if you discuss whether an Ivory Tower remake fits the crypt,
    but that discussion should be kept to Ivory Tower (other maps: other threads).

    IMO 'The Crypt' is not significantly smaller than the overall 'Ivory Tower' map size (Halo 2).
    Actually, I started remaking Ivory Tower because the walls of Crypt are an advantage
    AND the size of the area seemed okay to me.
    #17 MavRen Ra, May 6, 2009
    Last edited: May 6, 2009
  18. FailSayan

    FailSayan Ancient
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    i got this map... i was like AWESOME, played on it... and i thought, whats with the roof... its just 3 seconds of "awesome im out... now what" for the people that dont play by the honor rule.
    i used the roof to make the middle, you said grenades bring down radio antenneas... they do.. unless theres good old weapon holders at the top :)
    id like to get some feedback from the original owner if you like my changes or not.
  19. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    I have to DL this! Oh how I miss Ivory Tower... with it's multiple floors and weapons that made it flow sooooo good. I used to play rumble pit with my friend all day hoping to get this map!

    I was waiting for someone to remake this but Ivory Tower was too difficult to make a serious remake on Foundry. You shopuld be very proud that you had the determination to build this map and bring it to H3, I hope this becomes a really popular map :)
  20. MavRen Ra

    MavRen Ra Ancient
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    Just .. don't .. do that.

    What is the roof good for?
    1. It creates a closer feeling to the original Ivory Tower within the tower passages.
    2. It allows for gameplay to throw grenades from below, rebouncing off the roof, onto the sniper spot.
    3. It prevents at least "innocent" players from having the desire to exit the map.
    (I did not find a way out, so, I hope there is at least no obvious way.)

    btw: it was not a simple grenade that put the antenna into trouble (read opening post again)

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