Debate Multiverse VS. Universe theory

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CaptnSTFU, May 3, 2009.

  1. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Okay idk how many of you guys have heard of this theory but its known as the Multiverse theory, it basically says there is more than one Universe more or less parallel universes but there are literally hundreds of them, any out come of life you could have is happening on another earth in another Universe.

    The other thoery is along the same lines except that there isn't more of you on an alternate earth in an alternate Universe, just that there are more Universes light years away (uh duh lol) and that they are basically pankacked together on one top of each other thats why they are hard to see, kinda like many dimensions satcked on top of each other.
  2. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    I do believe that our universe is not the only one. It's hard to except infinity, but I feel that it is possible that there is a near infinite number of universes. I don't know how close together they are or how they coexist. They might all be part of a larger diminsion. I don't know about the whole, there is another earth and another you right now.. I guess if you take the concept of infinty, lol, then it could be possible.
  3. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    yea lol it could be possible but with that logic it goes against theology and God and for me and others who are devout Christians if it is actuality it would mean that essentially everything we are taught is a lie.

    I'd like to believe that their are multiple universes but all of them are different from our own, maybe new life forms or new sentient beings. But i don't want to accept the (there is another me right now typing an opposite response to this thread in another universe on another earth) lol.
  4. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    All I can say about this, is that my universe is better than yours.
  5. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    You can argue multiverse/universe all you want, but how is this remotely provable? This is almost as bad as String Theory.
  6. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    I go on faith.
  7. Cannon Fodder

    Cannon Fodder Ancient
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    I like the idea that this could be true, but agree with nemiharra that we can ever prove this to be true. But thats the same as religion, everyone needs smoething to belive in, and this is one.

    Also I've heard a theory that if one reality was to be destoryed all the other realities would colapes on-top of eachother. thoughts?
  8. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    The problem I initially had with the multiverse theory was that it ignores determinism. Say you have two experiments set up in two universes which are EXACTLY the same (The spin of every electron are in sync with each, between universes, the position of each piece of matter is mirrored in both universes). They are both set so they have a 50% of reaching conclusion A and a 50% chance of reaching conclusion.

    In Universe A the experiment reaches conclusion A.
    In Universe B the experiment reaches conclusion B.

    You'd think that if both Universes were identical in EVERY way possible, they would reach the same conclusion. The theory of quantum mechanics clears this up, but we can't be sure that the universe is a quantum multiverse until we have a theory of everything. So lets wait a few years/ decades/ centuries/ forever until we have a theory of everything. That should clear everything thing up, literally.
  9. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    Yes, every single little thing is made out of strings...

    What does that prove


    Anyway, I'm constantly plagued by thoughts of infinity, it's actually what has kept me up presently... Anyway If the universe is infinte, it is ****ing huge, so big it is probably impossible, so I can't believe that cause it gets so big my head hurts. Therefore, the universe is finite as many scientists believe and is constantly expanding, but then I think about what is out side where the universe is expanding, it can't be nothing because for that to be possibly the universe would have to be creating matter out of nothing, which as far as we know is impossible. Therefore something must be out there, but what would it be? just another universe? more random pointless space? The mind boggles...
  10. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    There are multiple types of "Multiverse" theories.

    One involves a higher dimension, for example, we are in the universe 0, while another is in universe 1, but since it is a higher dimension we cannot comprehend it.

    Another theory which can be proven/disproven, is that if space does not bend, it is infinitely big which therefore means that everything that can happen has happened.
    To prove/disprove it, you have too fire a couple of lasers in space, for example,
    You fire 2 lasers into space at different angles, measuring the angle in between.
    E.g. the angle between these two: \/
    You then calculate the distance between the two points, and then work out the angles. If the angles do not add up too 180* like a triangle, it means spacetime is bent and is therefore finite. (not infinite) This would disprove the theory.
  11. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    i was just about to point that out lol, anyway idk about all of it i was just posting it for the sake of debating. First we have to explore our universe before we even fathom how to get to another one.
  12. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    As for the multi-verse theory, I suggest reading Timeline my Michael Crichton. It explains the theory fairly well and provides and explanation. As for the need for proof, I haven't read the book in a while, but I believe it does provide some reasoning. And yes, I know that this book is non-fiction, but we won't be sure of the theory in our life anyways.

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