Map: Titus V.1 Game Type: T Gladiators Creator: SEPHIRE124 "You Have To Play It With The Game Type Above" Im getting comments about spawn killing which is because you aren't playing with the game type I gave you. It's a mini game map not a slayer map. Titus is an arena style mini game that pits two teams against eachother in a fight to the death. Each player has only one life so make it count. One game consists of three rounds. Most kills at the end of the game wins. Players spawn in the armory where they choose what weapons and equipment they wish to take into battle. At thirty seconds, the doors open, the fight begins, and the blood spills. Stat Changes: Damage Resistance: 500% Player Gravity: 200% Starting Weapon: Gravity Hammer Weapons and Equipment: Assault Rifle Magnum Battle Rifle SMG Sniper Rifle Shotgun Rocket Launcher Turret Mauler Brute Shot Spiker Plasma Rifle Carbine Beam Rifle Plasma Cannon Bubble Shield Deployable Cover Regenerator Power Drain Overview [/URL] Red Side [/URL] Blue Side [/URL] Red Side Open [/URL] Blue Side Open [/URL] Fan Section [/URL] [/URL] Armory [/URL] [/URL] Action Shots [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] THANK YOU!!!!
Okay, there is one main problem that I have with your map. That is the armory. Armories are probably one of the WORST things you could have in a map, any kind of map. It just demolishes gameplay. On the other hand this does look pretty cool, not to original because of the many other gladiator themed maps, but this is forged pretty decent. Just get rid if that armory and this will improve greatly. Or another thing is make every power weapon to respawn at never, so that way they slowly go away and you are left with weaker weapons. Just an idea.
They are respawn on never so they can only be used once. Ammo is infitie so they never get used. However since everyone only has one life rounds are short. After play testing I have found that the weapons I have put in work out great and are not overpowered. I didnt put in the Splazer or needler because those do too much damage. The damage resistance makes everything very balanced.
This map has potential. I have always like colosseum maps. I have never played teams in one though? That excites me because it is more of a challenge than 1v1. The armory is a problem though... even if you put it on never respawn. You should do a thing like where you spawn a custom that lets you pick up weapons for 30 sec. or more if you like. This way you chose more quickley. Otherwise I like the map 4/5
like massacre said, this map has potential. i downloaded it and played a 2v2 team slayer on it. it is a rather generic "gladiator-esque" map, with the base on each side and the circular structure in the middle. the one thing that is unique are the pillars which add for some cover. i like the aesthetics of the map [the 'seats' are nifty]. the problem with the map is that there is tons of spawn killing. one rocket can destroy the entire team. for a later version [which is imminent], put more than one 'armory' for each base- have them connected by a tunnel in the back of each base. kk, final review time. post: 10/10 [nothing wrong with it] pictures: 9/10 [overview and action pics included] map: 6/10 [fairly playable] gametype: 5/10 [basic, and 1 life subtracts from gameplay- make it 2 lives, and the respawn in the bleachers] forging: 6.5/10 [pretty solid, but armories are not ftw] originality: 6.5/10 [standard gladiators map with pillars] overall: 7.2
as someone said about weapon spawns: it might be a good idea to make pistol or plasma pistol starts, with just the most basic weapons in the spawn areas(AR's, pistols, BR's, SMG's, plasma rifles, plasma pistols, maulers, carbines, maybe a beam rifle or 2), and then put the power weapons and turrets and stuff around the arena(a rocket, an energy sword, shotties, a grav hammer, flamethrower, etc.). also, DO NOT place any nades. unless maybe flame nades, but limited even with those.
Ok people you need to play it with the game type I gave you. Its not a generic map. It's a mini game. It's not designed for regular slayer and stuff. So you shouldn't be complaining about spawn killing.
for a v2 id recommend making weapons just fall from the sky, make it so you start with random weapons then equipment and weapons fall and you pick them up, kinda like the crowd is throwing them for you to use. =) other than that i really like it, i like it alot man.
As you said, rounds are VERY short. The armories make sense, and I don't have a huge problem with them, but the map has nothing to it. It has some aesthetic portions, but they're all unplayable seating areas. Make the actual area look cool, add some cover and whatnot. Maybe have a tunnel system like THE colosseum.
Yeah im thinking about making a whole complex for the Colosseum next time. It would have underground areas as well as seating. You would even be able to go outside the walls. That would take me a long time though so ill probably wait till summer.