Sexy, is in fact, the perfect word to describe Blackout. Words can't describe how happy I am right now. only 3 more weeks! there are some subtle differences i can tell about gameplay though already... for instance, the double jump from the start of the elbow from sniper side up to S2, if you will, cannot be made anymore. But that was rarely used anyway. Either way, Lockout without superjumps = creaming my pants as we speak... brb gotta go change
holy crap at first i was dissapointed in another remake but balckout looks so nice because of its setting so it will do just fine
Pwnt. I'm surprised the leak was fake tbh. I notice all the doorways are the same size and are kind of like doorframes. Perhaps there will be new doors so we will be able to block off parts of the same as we wish easily.
man.... the heroic mappack was kind of just bleh. Sure, Foundry was great for forge, but the default flatout sucked. Standoff was pretty good, and Rat's Nest wasnt too bad. But nothing of the wow-factor. However, all three of these maps just look amazing. I cannot wait for these maps.
yes a good looking map pack nothing bad about foundry but the starting setings . btw the is full of whiners talking crap about blackout it will be better then gay guradian.
I must be the only one who isn't really impressed with "Blackout" Now we have 2 maps that are very similar.. Guardian and soon Blackout.. Way to go and pretty much ensure that no one plays Guardian again.. Remakes.. Blah..
Yeh that surprised me about the leak also... I think the magazine should have to explain themselves. But this looks alot better anyway, so who really cares, right? And yeh Bungie is cheating us if they don't have proper doors for Blackout available in it's forge palette. Im pretty confident they will. I'm already trying to think of ways to forge it. @ King, Blackout and Guardian will play wildly different... you will see. Although I think the equipment will slow the game down a bit. Think about it, the bubble shield can block off the long lower hallway pretty well, eliminating one of lockout's primary lines of site. I hope they have at least 90 second respawns at the bare minimum, but it would probably be better at 120s. I bet whenever MLG gets around to the official mlg version that it will be pretty badass (and im not that much of an mlg guy at all really). In short, the most competitive map ever is back. And I can't wait. It's gonna be a long 3 weeks.
I love how it is nighttime. That is going to be so sweet. Although I have said that I would prefer new maps instead of remakes, this map looks amazing, imo. I love the more human theme, instead of the normal Forerunner stuff. I am already imagining things to forge, but I wish i knew what objects we will have to use.