This is the only staged screenshot I have really done. It took alot of cooperation. And guests. : Halo 3 File Details Download and rate if you like.
looks like a fight club!!!!!! eh its pretty good. 3.5/5 how did you get their hands to be all like they gunna be fitin
I think this looks more like, some dudes coming out of a bar about to get messed up. still awsome though!
HAHAHAHA!!! Blue Elite: Wanna fight! Grey Elite: Bring it foo!!! Nice staged pic man. Just keep up the good funny work. 5/5
Reported for spam OP: This picture is cool, how it looks like an underground fight club with Elites! I've been trying to find the modded gametype for this, but I don't want to get banned so... Anyways, nice job dude!