Name: Boardwalk (v2) Best For: Team slayer, Slayer FFA Link to original map UPDATED 5/4/09 11:36 EST - Did some interlocking on the angled wall of the blue base (thanks to A Punker for the suggestion.) - Deleted the ghost - Smoothed some edges - Took a look at balance and sight lines and tweaked accordingly. (thanks to toasted kittuns for the suggestion.) Designers Description: This map, to put it simply(and in my own words), is semi-symmetrical. It's easy to see why I say this after you play it. Sight lines are wonderful and for an asymmetrical map when it comes to design, Boardwalk holds many symmetrical properties(weapon,cover,vehicle,and equipment placement) that neither give advantage or disadvantage to either team on Team Slayer and provides a great Rumble Pit experience as well. 2-12 players Red Base Left side view Middle of the Map On the Rocket Platform Red Base Right side view Blue Base/Boardwalk Right side view Middle View - Blue Base Blue Base Right side view Interlocked-and-loaded Weapons and Vehicle Description (with respawn times) 2x warthog (90) 2x mongoose (45) 2x chopper (120) 6x BR (30) 2x mauler (60) 1x rocket launcher (120) 1x needler (45) 2x smg (60) 2x carbine (45) 1x sniper rifle (120) 1x power drain 1x bubble shield 1x regenerator 2x overshields DOWNLOAD BOARDWALK v2
the angled wall(made out of huge blocks) could still use some interlocking to smooth out the flow... over all looks decent ill rate when i test
k, overall, it looks like a nice map. it's good that you took away all the killballs, shield doors, and all but one power weapon. but i did not see the original map, could you include a link in the post linking to the original map. also, what gametypes is this map built for? what do you recommend [gametype and number of people]? is it good for both team slayer and FFA? and, most importantly, is gameplay balanced? balanced gameplay can be a major no-no for maps that are not symmetrical.
I posted a link for you at the top of the original map, kill balls and all. At the top where it says "Best For:" I said it would be best for Team slayer and slayer but did not include FFA....forgive me... IS the gameplay balanced? could you be more specific? im still learning the forgehub lingo here and am not quite sure what you mean, yes yes im am das nOObz.
by "balanced", i mean this. does the map give one team an unfair advantage? for example, more cover or higher ground? some differences are ok, but if there is a major difference. for example, these below are examples of unbalanced gameplay: 1. if one base has a sniper tower and the other doesn't 2. if one side has a vehicle that the other base lacks 3. if one side has a power weapon, camo, overshield, etc. that the other side lacks the only reason an unfair advantage would be ok is if your map is a one-sided map [if it is built for one-flag and one-bomb]. hope this helps =] BTW, your link is wrong.
This is a very original map, but you may want to watch out, as kittuns said, for unbalanced gameplay. You should label the pictures to explain them. That curved wall could use some interlocking. The middle structure and blue base are very well done. The red side seems like it is a little underplayed. Maybe I'm wrong, but the question of balance will always come up in posting an asymmetrical map. Nice job, 4/5
Ah, i see... then yes it is fairly balanced. the sniper and rocket launcher for the most part are dead center in the map. The other weapons (mostly br's) are semi-symmetrical on each side if that makes sense. Cover on both sides is not perfect but i dont feel that is makes it unfair for either team. The vehicles on each side are even save the ghost, but which doesnt respawn once destroyed. It is my first map and I really appreciate your suggestions.