I have school today, the day when bungi announces the third map of the upcoming Legendary Map pack. Unfortunately, bnet is blocked at my school. But forgehub is not so I was swondering that if anybody has off and sees which map bungie is remaking, please post it here.
It should be released today, although in an American Time zone. I dont know what Time Zone you live in, im GMT so it will be night time for me.
well the new map is Blackout and its an EXACt REPLICA OF LOCKOUT ONLY ITS NOt set in snow. Instead its like on an oil rig or something. the picture will say more than i can
It looks so sexy. I would have liked Midship more but this will do juuust fine. The only way this DLC could be better is if Ghost Town was Midship. Not to say Ghost Town will be a bad map...
They are calling it a lockout remake and it looks very simalar. but i dont really like it looks like it will play like guardian with one the teams camping at either ends.