Sandbox Alamo

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by The Cheat, May 4, 2009.

  1. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    "Suit up, grab your Battle Rifle and some salsa, because this town is HOT! 2 - 10 players (team slayer only.)"

    Alamo is a large Asymmetrical Urban map on Sandbox's ground level. It is my second released map here at Forge Hub. I am quite proud of this map in terms of gameplay. I learned after making Subdivisions, that good gameplay is more important that aesthetics, and I tried showing that when I forged up this little beauty. As such, there is little to no interlocking this was done on purpose...

    This map was definitely a record breaker...From the beginning of Forging, to the end of testing, this map only took me 4 hours to make! I made this purely as a way for me to hold people off until I can finish my other projects, so I wouldn't really count this as an "Official Map". Anyway, on to the map:

    The map (Originally named "Endless Siesta") features two bases on opposite ends of a cluttered desert-city. The destroyed buildings are constant reminders that the covenant invasion affected all of planet Earth, and may have been used as refuge for the survivors. Each building is a short walking away from the next, which really add to the "city-theme".

    The Warthogs on the map are a dominant force, and I made sure that whilst forging the map, they were given a large enough area to move about, without being overpowered. As such, many of the map's power weapons are safely tucked away indoors. The Rocket Launcher can be located in the Central Building (which has been nicknamed The Embassy Building). The Sniper Rifles, are located in the small tower-like building near each base. The Shotguns, are located in each Destroyed Building. To combat the Warthog, I've also placed a Spartan Laser behind each base. There are Battle Rifles around the map as well as two Needlers, and some equipment and grenades.


    Pedro's Hot Dog Stand - The smallest building on the map, located next the Embassy. Not much here, but a good place to hide from the action and grab a bite to eat. (This was forged by my friend, Count Gamula.)

    The Embassy Building - The largest building, located in the center of the map. This building can be distinguished by the flag on top of it, which can be seen from all over the map. This building houses the Rocket Launcher.

    Red Base - The Red Team's Base, it is distinguished by a red light floating just above it. Symmetrical Objectives Spawn in this building, but that's about it.

    Blue Base - The Blue Team's Base, it is identical to the Red Team's base, but with a blue light instead. Symmetrical Objectives Spawn in this building, but that's about it.

    Red Tower- The Small building that houses the Sniper Rifle near Red Base.

    Blue Tower - The Small Building near Blue Base, that houses the Sniper Rifle.

    Construction Site - The small destroyed building on Blue Team's side. This building houses a shotgun. The larger building with the scaffolding in front of it is also the Construction Site.

    Bombed House - The small destroyed building on Red Team's side. This building houses a shotgun. (Mostly forged by my friend StingyMidget.)

    Weapon | Number on Map

    Battle Rifle | 14
    Covenant Carbine | 4
    Rocket Launcher | 1
    Sniper Rifle | 2
    Shotgun | 2
    Spartan Laser | 2
    Needler | 2
    Warthog | 2
    Plasma Grenades | 4
    "Regen"| 1

    Enough rambling on about my map, here are some screenshots (sorry, no action pics):

    A general overview of the map.

    Another overview, this time at an angle.

    Looking inside the Embassy Building.

    A view from underneath the "Ghost Town" bridge looking towards the Bombed House.

    Pedro's Hot Dog Stand, and another view of Red Side.

    A general overview of Blue Side.

    Looking at The Embassy Building from Red Base.

    Another Overview, this one makes it very urban looking.

    Another overview of Blue Side, this time from the sky.

    That's it for now, folks! I would like to thank everyone who helped forge this map, as well as all those who have tested it with me. Seriously, without those guys this map wouldn't be nearly as good.

    Testers (Alphabetically):
    - Count Gamula
    - Count Vyers
    - Crazy Weasal
    - JimmyPage90
    - Reaeper
    - RockyMTbigft
    - x4shot Popknotx
    - Zigzag809

    Download Alamo!

    #1 The Cheat, May 4, 2009
    Last edited: May 31, 2009
  2. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    Wow, this is one of the best urban maps on sandbox I've seen in a while. I like how the streets are long and open. It reminds me of Call of Duty 4. This map just goes to show that interlocking and merging don't need to be in a map to make the map aestheically good. This looks good. Good job.
    EDIT: Some of your pictures aren't working. Might want to try deleting them and putting them on again.
    #2 SVV33T SAUC3, May 4, 2009
    Last edited: May 4, 2009
  3. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    Thank you SVV33T. I was really trying capture the feel of Call of Duty 4's "Ambush" map.
    I think this came out very nicely, and for four is definitely on of my better maps.
  4. CMYKnight

    CMYKnight Ancient
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    looks good but can u put in a high rise that would make me reallyhappyface
  5. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    Unfortunately, I hit the object limit whilst making this...and thus I cannot change it.
  6. l ABlindGuy l

    l ABlindGuy l Ancient
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    Looks like a great map, a real fun city map. The hot dog stand is a brilliant idea, as well as the Embassy. The warthogs also look fun on this map. I like all the little houses as well, very fun for hiding in a game, or playing infection GhostBusters on it. DLing now, excited to play it.
  7. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you for the kind words...although, I only have this map set up for Slayer and Flag, so you might have to tweak the spawns for infection...

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