58. You play hide and seek and try to find people with your radar, then realizing they're crouching 59. You drive your car/truck like a Warthog 60. You attempt to free yourself in math class by using your calculator as a gate opener 61. You go into graveyards looking for the oddball 58 applys to me :squirrel_blush:
62. You wonder that your town is In foundry. 63. Everyone wears Mjolnir armor. 64. You get a tattoo on your shoulders of your symbol. 65. You always have an extra grenade around.
67. You are constanly rearranging your house for the best asthetic appearence. 68. you take screenshots of you wife naked to put on your fileshare
zangor13 and halostriker214, plz no spamming; that is for no forum on this site. only reasons you play too much halo or saying comments about them, thanks P.S. i just drove to new york, so sorry for the lateness of this post.
Spamming! Im not doing that im listing the reasons for playing halo. That is what the form is about. So shut up, and I only spam on bungie. God! :squirrel_giggle:
Me and my friends were watching I am Legend and it was so funny. When he killed a bunch of zombies my friends would say "Zombie Killing Spree". Spoiler When his dog died, "New Zombie". And the part with the grenade, "Suicide" It was always so serious, but then when they would say that I would laugh my head off.
congrats on ruining a movie i would have sorely liked to see... no posting of any differentiality from this topic on...well, this topic. thank you and good night!
That is what the spoiled was for, and you talking about this is kind of hypocritical to your no spamming statement. 69. You watch someone run into a wall and think to yourself, "He must be standbying."
Oh My God we got to 69! 71. you yell perfection when you get 100% in a test 72. you expect to stick people while playing dodgeball
Oh I left out something like 70 from my original post. How did I know that someone would make a comment about number 69?
hey, at my age even the most remotely sexual thing is HIGHLY amusing 72. you complain about the BXB glitch after losing a fight