Machinery Info: Hi everyone on Forgehub. Here I have a map called Machinery. Before I go about what the map is, I will tell you how I planned it. I used Google Sketchup with the Sandbox Environs. I always thought of having a map like this, but I never expected it to be as good as it is. It took me just over 3 days to complete, and yet it still isn't 100% completed, I have yet still to add support for more game types and fix all bugs, and also simple improvements. Okay, now into the map info itself. This is a map intended for CTF, Multi Flag in particular. It is symmetrical and has a wide variety of level. It is based in the Crypt of Sandbox and is very well forged, if I don't say so myself. You can download and watch a video tutorial about designing your maps on your PC with the Sandbox Environs here: Forge-Up Tutorial Weapons: x6 Assault Rifle x12 Battle Rifle x2 Carbine x16 Frag Grenade x4 Plasma Grenade x2 Sniper Rifle x2 Shotgun x2 Overshield x2 Bubble Shield x2 Needler Supported Gametypes: Capture The Flag Slayer Infection - Half Supported VIP - Half Supported ------------------------------ Video: Planing: Pictures: Red Base - From Above Red Base - From Side Middle - From Red Base Overshield Middle - Wall Teleporter & Shotgun Sniper Red Base - Flag Setup Armoury Wall Overshiled - Extended In Depth View Download: Map Variant: Machinery Game Variant: Just use Multi Flag Map Designer: Map Designer: Forge-Up Tutorial
Great map, looks like a remake of Warlock to me. The hand drawn picture is great BTW. I don't understand though, in the 3rd picture, the angled blocks, what exactly are they for? I mean, for cover and shooting from, but from where I am looking at it from, it looks like it will be an obstacle, rather than an defensive object.
CMYKnight I am actually in the proces off making a video tutorial on how to use sketchup and i will provide a file containing it, also ABLIND guy, the angled blocks in picture 3 are for both cover and obstacles to get to higher ground. Advantage points, I like to call them. Thanks for the feedback by the way
Before anyone comments this is not a double post! Here is the tutorial I was talking about: Forge-Up Tutorial Hope it helps! I have to admit, the teleporter idea was developed from Warlock.
I just added a video. And the purpose of this post is to tell those that don't how. Basically do this in your post: ["media]YoutTube Video URL[/media"] - no speech marks This was found by Pegasi Delta, so thank him