You choose the best one. Honestly, I think the v3 one is the best but thats not why I'm here. I'm here to ask you which one do you think is the best. Here are the pics. Ghost Rider V1 Ghost Rider V2 Ghost Rider V3 Alright guys. I heard from a few people saying these can be improved or changed. So I tried my best. Here is the latest version of my Ghost Rider pics. I hope it turned out pretty well. Ghost Rider V4
Dude, your shots aren't working, take a look at this post to try and work it out, If still can't do it, contact an senior member of some sort.
All those images show pictures of the "Lost Soul". Try re-uploading. The "Lost Soul" has been cloned another time! I'd run, humans.
Sorry about the pics guys. I finally fixed it. It turnes out that bungie does'nt like straight steaming from there site so i went with photobucket. Which is what I should have went with in the first place. Any ways. Let me know if there messed up again or if you like them let me know.
Thanks for the opinion. It's nice to hear at least some one here likes my work. I might be posting a map on here sometime soon. I just hope I can make a good map. LOL.
Doesn't Ghost Rider ride a motorcycle? Change the vehicle from a Mongoose to a Chopper and this'll look better.
v1 is good but it doesnt really show much of anything apart from flames and a bit of the mongoose. v2 is much better as its a nice close up of the rider and the mongoose. v3 is also good would be better with some flames on the rider but not so much that it blocks up the veiw of the rider. overall some good pics.
He may be more of a "Ghost Rider" had he been riding in a Ghost. And yes, a Chopper will make a good motorcycle. Your Mongoose works fine, but I still believe it could be improved. Well done anyway.
Yep V2 is the best, but if you can try to get the wheels out, because ghost rider rides a bike not a quad.
Well thanks guys for the help I have the New pic up. I just edit it in so that you guys can see it and then let me if its any better than the first 3.
If any one here reading this please help. I was wanting to make a V5 pick but Call it Ghost Riders. I don't care how many people help me with this but I was wanting to put multiple players in it to make it seem a little better.