Sandbox Scarabs

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by jakob hunter, May 3, 2009.

  1. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    Scarabs War


    Video Showing off the map sorry if bad quality

    CAUTION!: When playing on this map you may fall alot but want to keep playing even though you are getting frustrated from fallingyou still want to play due to the pure awesomeness of the map to avoid falling before playing in a game run around on the map and practice your jumps and such for the real game you have been warned!

    Onto the map now: _____________________________________________
    Story: So two covenant scarabs came to the same UNSC base to attack and take trophies and resources to fule the scarabs. But the two crews seemed to get in a fight over the things and to make matters worse some UNSC soldiers are still there fights for survival.
    Map layout: The map consists of two equally large scarabs (one red one blue) on either side of the map. The are two small UNSC bunkers two UNSC sniper towers and two smaller UNSC spawn rooms on either side of the map.

    In the middle there is a small grassy platform with a block in the middle holding cover to prevent the scarabs from looking at each other in the eye. Floating above that is a block with a spartan lasor on it with wooden bridges connecting to it then one the other side of the bridges with other brides connecting to them is the sniper towers.

    The scarabs layout is pretty much the same as the one is the campaign other than one hole going in to the back core. To get up into the scarabs you can either go up a bridge then across a fallen over radio antenna the other way is to jump onto the front leg and climb up to the main deck.
    Weapons and equipment layout:

    2 Battle Rifles:surprise:ne of them is in each small UNSC bunker.

    2 energy swords: one in each scarab lower floor.

    1 spartan lasor: on top platform in the middle.

    2 needlers: one in each scarab lower floor.

    2 shotguns: one in each small UNSC bunker.

    4 carbines: one in each scarab main deck and in each small spawn point base.

    2 sniper rifles: one in each sniper tower.

    2 beam rifles: one on the red and blue stacked columns that make the core of each scarab.

    1 golf club: in the center of the map on the block.

    4 spike nades: two in each UNSC bunker.

    8 plasma nades: two on each of the main decks of the scarabs and two on each bottom floor of the scrabs.

    2 missile pods: one on the roof of each UNSC bunker.

    2 bubble shields: one on the bottom floor of each scarab.

    2 power drains: one on the top floor of each scarab.

    2 deployable cover: one on each main floor of each scarab.

    2 fuel rod cannons: one by the core of each scarab.

    1 active camo: by the blue scarab.

    1 overshield: by the red scarab.

    2 banshees: one in the bottom floor of each scarab sticking out the back.

    For the gametype:
    There is no game i made just for this map but i suggest taking away suicide penalties because this map is in the sky bubble and you will probably fall off a few times in the first few games.

    i also suggest making it br starts.

    This map works for the following gametypes: Slayer, Conquest, CTF, and Infection. You can edit it as you please to suit other games.
















    The Middle:






    So that is my map i hope enjoy it as much as me and my friends have speeking of friends here is the people who were a main part in making this map how it is: Aundre Skribble, NyX LED, Fatal VengenceX, and Suzi Q 007, so thanks to them and to all others who helped test but i forgot your names and to all who download this map. Please if you dl can you rate this thread what you give the map out of five stars thankyou for reading here is the map link.



    Want this map featured? Then post something about it here: Feature Thread
    #1 jakob hunter, May 3, 2009
    Last edited: May 4, 2009
  2. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Epic, just epic. I don't even care if i get infracted for it; thats the only way i can describe it.
  3. L0vest0sp00f

    L0vest0sp00f Ancient
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    i dont understand why u didnt make it on the ground scarabs cant fly!
  4. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    well because it is actually supposed to be like the scarab in the water on New Mombassa in halo 2 where if you fall off the edge then you drown and die so i made it in the sky bubble to make it more challenging and more like that mission in halo 2 where you assault the scarab.
  5. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    ahh now i see the logic of the skybox lol i like the idea, but id have to say id much rather it be on the ground or try to recreate the catwalks from halo 2 lvl Metropolis where you encounter the scarab and have just one and make red spawn back where you run out and try to jump onto it.
  6. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    well i was originally going to do something like that and make it one sided assault but i made a second Scarab that looked so nice and then a whole new map around it i might however make another scarab map like how you said for one sided games.
  7. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    Dude, this is amazing. It's like a scarab battle. I just think this is genius. My only criticism is if you want people to not get frustrated in game, make the catwalks a little wider and same with the ramps. It'll be way more epic and perfect. Also might want to straighten out some walls but that won't be completely necessary. This is a really nice job though. I'll definitely download.
  8. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    actually i was going to put raillings on the cat walks but i hit the item limit because i used a blank canvas and those walls are pretty hard to get perfectly strait due to the glitch but thanks for the constructive critisism and the complements
  9. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    Wow I've seen tons of scarabs, but the idea of having two "battling" each other is great. I'm sure it's been done before, but not like this. The features of the middle part is what make the scarabs stand out. Just having a scarab is too plain, so it makes this map unique and actually very well done. I like the web-like style of the center area as well, whether it was intentional or not.
    My criticism is to remove the golf club, because it would be way to easy to knock people off those thin bridges.
  10. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    Map update

    If you have downloaded this map and realized that it does not work for ctf that is because for some reason the flags got deleted so i had to delete two things to spawn the flags i deleted the corners that are cover where the golf club spawns so now the scarabs can see each other. Here is the link to the new version but im keeping the old version up just so incase you like it better for slayer.


    Thank you for understanding
  11. Mentherex

    Mentherex Ancient
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    This is crazy. Building Scarab is hard enough, but build 2 that look perfectly the same is nuts. I have trouble making two bases that look the same lol. But damn. DLing now, great job.
  12. lb Sephiroth dl

    lb Sephiroth dl Ancient
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    DUDE!!! This is AWESOME!!! Nice map. I'll DL it soon. and dude this should be on team slayer or at least social slayer. I bet that this map is fun to play on. If it doesnt make it on Bungie favs then oh well. This map should be on there any ways. 5/5
  13. Yyzyyz

    Yyzyyz Ancient
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    Dude, nobody made this b4, this is epic and unique, the scarabs are not as good as always but I would never expect anyone to do that
    5/5 :D
  14. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    Very interesting, especially for 2 Scarabs and up in the sky too! Banshees are another thing better about it, seeing as I have'nt seen a map on Sandbox with a single Banshee on it! I'll play this to see how good gameplay is.
  15. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    Yes it was pretty hard to get them the same i think i did a pretty good job at doing so although you will find a few spots on one scarab that you slide off of on the other one but those are no big deal thanks to everyone so far for the positive feedback.

    Map info: If you try to play oddball or assault on this map you wont be able to pick up the bomb or skull because it is where the big block is in the middle and i forgot to move them so you can fix it if you want i hope you understand and those are not to popular games so it probably wont matter so much.
  16. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    I just played a game of ffa snipers on here with only 4 people and it was really fun just make it so that the banshees dont spawn in the custom game maker thing and set it to sniper settings and it will be pretty fun i am yet to try this with a team game but really want to so if anyone here would like to have a game night this friday just PM me.
  17. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    While the aesthetics are awesome and the whole thing looks cool, I think it would be hard to get from Base to Base (Scarab to Scarab). Just seems like it needs more pathways or something. That might be hard with the item limit. But that would improve this much.
  18. l ABlindGuy l

    l ABlindGuy l Ancient
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    I am going to keep this as blunt as possible. Epic. The dual Scarab battles will be amazing, I don't care if there are 100 different problems, this map looks epic.
  19. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    That would be so sick. I would LOVE to play one sided assault on a map like that. I can already imagine the epic-ness. It would have to be pulled off well though. I could see it being ruined quite easily if not designed right.

    Well anyways, good luck.
  20. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    hahaha this is awesome
    although the path between the scarabs looks pretty random
    oh well
    it doesn't matter
    the scarabs look epic

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