Does anyone know if Bungie has a Sandbox Designer in the works? I use the Foundry Designer sometimes to get some ideas for some of my maps, and i was wondering if you guys read a thread on the Bungie Forums that says something like this. i looked through like 10 pages and i didnt find anything. Just wondering if you guys have seen something like this.
The answer to your question can be found here. Although it isn't like the Foundry designer, it's a Sandbox sketchup template for use with Google Sketchup. It may be confusing at first, but there are thoroughly detailed video tutorials to explain how to use it.
Here are the detailed videos that I was previously talking about, made by the people who made Sketchup.
Right, so when i download "SketchUp", do i just load and use the sandbox map thats available to download on that thread you referred me too, or do i have to do any kind of coding to making it work?
I know you have to download both the Google Sketchup program and obviously you need to have downloaded the Sandbox Sketchup Template to get it to work. I'm almost positive you don't have to do anything else. Along with those videos, there are some tips and tricks in that thread if you browse through it.
Just keep in mind of course that sketchup is a lot more of a system resource hog than the foundry designer. My poor terrible weak computer can't load it. Locks up for about 10 hours when I try to open the sandbox template.
First off, Bungie didn't make the Foundry Designer. Some guy whose name I can't really remember right now did, and we embedded it. I suppose it would be easy enough. I'll try disassemble the .swf or ask for the files from him, and then I'll just put in new objects and a background.
see i dont find sandbox sketchup useful, cause when i load up the sketchup as soon as i try to click on anything my computer freezes, so for a lot of people the sandbox sketchup is useless. This is why i think we should make a sandbox designer