Would it not be awsome if Bungie made Brute armor for use in online playing....let me know what you think.
The thing about the Brutes is that they are taller than Elites and Spartans. Unless Bungie just added Brute armor variants and made it so the armor fit Elites and Spartans. But I would imagine if Bungie would add any type of armor variant to Halo 3, and I know they won't, they would add Honor Guard to Elites.
No, I would rather have a new spartan variant that is like the one in halo wars, OR a new color for elite and spartan which has dents and battle damage on it. Brutes you would have to completely recode because obviously they are taller, and probably walk, highjack, ect ect more differently than spartans or elites.
Go back to B.net. Bungie has stated thousands of times, they CANNOT add any Armor Permutations to Halo 3's Multiplayer. They CANNOT add Brutes, Marines, Flood, Power Rangers, Naruto, Pokemon, or Mister Chief either.
Screw Brute armor. I'd rather see new, original designs from Bungie if there were anything. Brute armor would be a waste of time with the way they'd have to refit it.
Nothing in halo 3 will change now. The only new thing'll be the second half of the mythic maps and maybe some playlist tweaks. Brutes are taller, weaker and run slower than Spartans and Elites. Also their shields don't recharge once they reach zero (they just fall off), and they have no animation for getting in Human vehicles and when they hold human weapons it'd look dodgy because Bungie wouldn't bother changing the animations from the Covenant equivalent weapons so people would complain about that too. And I doubt it'll happen In H3:ODST either because there'd be an even bigger difference in height between players.
the obvious way to fix this prob is to make the brutes the same size as elites and spartans.elites are bigger then spartans but bungies fixed that problem for multiplayer didnt they??? also it aint that hard to add regenerating shields and dtuff like that...that stuff only happens in campaign it wouldnt happen in mulitplaya...
What I had heard is that it would contain it's own multiplayer and what not, but it would essentially be Halo 3s multiplayer exactly, and therefore would use the Halo 3 servers, IE you could pop in H3ODST and play with your friend who has H3 but not ODST. I might be mistaken.
Elites are about 20cm taller than Spartans. Brutes are about a metre taller than Spartans. They'd look like trolls or elves or something. And their armour would still not recharge. So will it be like GTA IV: The Lost & Damned? If so, then they still won't change the multiplayer.
Most people know this but Bungie was going to make for the online multiplayer Brutes instead of Elites. (As spoken by a bungie staff) "They where making all the details and movement of the Brutes but it would have put a delay to the release date because of the Brutes Unique form and movement" "It was decided to make Elites because it was faster, easier and would bring back Halo 2 spirit."
In the creation of Halo 3, Bungie was apparently working on making Brutes playable, but abandoned the project. There is a video on Youtube where somebody claims that you can get the class by doing a bunch of things to Xbox. I have no idea if it's actually true (may be modded) or not.
Well fo people saying no more armors can be created and added to halo 3 becasue of the maps cant bungie just release an update for the game allowing all the maps to load the armor?
Unless they release a major DLc, you will not be able to play as a brute. Brutes are too big and different for this to be played online, as they have much more powerful armor, and they physically cannot use Assault Rifles, or Battle Rifles, or Beam Rifles, as their hands are much too big. Edit: My bad, Brutes have much WEAKER armor, and they do not have shields, nor can they jump or run as fast as a SPARTAN, or an Elite.
Iunno, brutes just don't seem that great and in campaign it doesn't exactly show just how "powerful" they are :S, I would probably only want dented or battle damaged armor.