im trying to get recon and i need a 4-player to team to that one where you have to beat halo in ghosts. i dont know when im gonna do it yet just message me and ill get back to ya
I'm not sure if this is a sign up thread or not but w/e. I'll be on at 3pm EST tomorrow. If you can do it then just send me a message over XBL. GT: Lord Terrax XII
You can't get recon from that.... not until ODST comes out.... seriously what is with all the recon spammers? it is not a big deal at all Recon looks like CRAP. Just check your own friends list for "helpers" instead of helping the recon spam here.
I agree. Also, everyone is going to have bloody Recon when ODST releases. I'll get it when I feel like it, wear it for what, a week, maybe? Recon was all cool and everything, when not everyone could get it.
Shouldn't this belong in the customs lobby? A mod should get here anytime now... Annual is freaking hard to get, I spent one hour along trying to get on top of the tower, then another twenty minutes trying to kill spark, and then I lost my internet connection and my friends got pissed off at me. There's a group on Bungie dedicated to helping you get hard to get achievements, I forgot what their name is, but I hear they are legit.
i would have done this with you, being my second time doing it on another profile but i already did it again the other day so i cant help you get the achievement. Sorry.