Scarab Geo-Merging BACKSTORY Well during the summer, before I got a new 360, my old one was, shall we say... dumb as hell and caused the weidest things to happen. But none as freaky as this. My internet wasn't working so I decided to play campaign for fun by myself. And it turned into something that was supposed to be easy, into an actual challenge. A series of the stupidest events happened in this one campaign level, that would make one think, MODS?! The major thing that happened, is the scarab getting underground, and pushing every living thing(Master chief and brutes, away, and sending them flying hundreds of meters up, and reaching unbelievable places. Here are some pics I took. The one on top of the pelican, I was actually kicked by the scarab. I ended up having to do the scarab part about 30 times before I could finally kill them both; on normal. ALL THIS HAPPENED AT ONE TIME! Although the movie is I believe 38 minutes long, it's worth the download. Maybe you want to find out how it happened? Maybe you'll be able to recreate the situation? I don't know, if you have any answers, I'd like to know. There are lots of places to get really good screenshots, both background and funny, and if you will DL, the glitching doesn't start till around 22 minutes in just so you know. Also, it does say it is someone named "rifte gifle" playing. That's me, I just changed my gamertag from that to sPaG3Tt1 5AwC3. FILM LINK> FAIL CAMPAIGN
Haha, I imagine it was pretty bad. I got a new one a couple months ago though, and the DL link is working.
This reminds me of garry's mod for half life 2. I wonder if you could take this clip, capture it, edit it and make something like, 'idiots of rifte gifle's ****ed up halo 3 disc' lol, ur xbox r retarded
I BOUGHT it off Ebay! Geez. Besides, I got a new 360 this Christmas, so it's not dumb and has an extra 40GB. ALSO my old halo I sold for 20 bucks cause it was so ****ed up, and bought I new legendary edition for 45. My old copy of halo I had since the day it was released so it was pretty old. Hey, maybe it was the combonation of a shitty used 150$ Ebay bought 360, complemented with a very old halo 3= WTF SCARAB GEO MEERGEEE!!!
The disc and xbox won't have caused it, it'll be a software bug, as for the scarab kicking stuff, they always do that, it's fun.
At least you hold the record, over most of the noteabe forgers on Forgehub, for the largest structure geomerged into the ground...
You ****ing deserve it. Bungie better notice this and laugh like hell from watching it, and give you recon.
Oyah. I'll capture the clip for you if you want. We could send it to Bungie and be like "zomg geomerged scarab!!!!11" AND GET RECON! =D
wow that is actually really cool. you should definitely send this to Bungie, and they better give you recon
Sounds like a plan. Not sure if I'll get recon for this however, and I don't mind all that much since I'm planning on getting it when ODST comes out. Anyways, would it be nice if I somehow did get recon? Hellz yeah! But I would at least like to see bungie's reaction to this. EDIT: Lol I just thought of something. If this does get sent to bungie, and they think this is mods... Banhammer fail.
nono i mean i was just kidding around ^^. If you wanna tell bungie, go ahead, much appreciated! I don't know how to tell them/ too lazy. @FirFox: It's the chief's wang.