Brain on Fire!!! Puzzle By: Hippokiller69 Formally known as bobalujr This puzzle consists of 3 major puzzles and obstacles. It start in a room where you stumble upon a way out. Then fly up and out, under an obstacle, and through on. In a room we continue to a duck and cover, and through to a hidden secret, to a hallway of death. Then a room of all despair, and a couple hidden things. Lastly to a maze of DOOM, and to the finish! Download Map : Fire Game : Brain Please give me constructive criticism, First forge hub map... SPOILER ALERT!!! 1337 Walk through 1. Spoiler Find the Grav lift.(You'll need it later)[back in the corner I'm pointed at] 2. Spoiler Get on the turret. 3. Spoiler Break this grav lift[i didn't have to i was in forge] 4. Spoiler Throw your first grav lift here! 5. Teleporter... No trick here 6. THIS ONE IS TOUGH, just duck and walk... 7. Spoiler HUH! go right about where i am... 8. Spoiler HALLWAY!?!?!?! second door.. 9. Spoiler This is a full sized room i just showed where the sniper is.. you need this! 10. Spoiler Alright shoot the fusion coil in this corner. 11. Spoiler Soccer ball! just ride it to the teleporter.(plz don't use the grav lift thats for the next part... but if you do then you have to do the maze!) 12. Spoiler You CAN use it here or just go through the maze for fun. 13. Spoiler TEH M4Z3!!!! 14. YOU WIN (nice job)
Quick put the guide into a spoiler! Nice map thoug, very sorta challenging. The instant respawn ideas in this map make it that much harder. Good job.
Well if your gonna do a spoiler, you should do it separately from the pictures cause now when a person that wants to check out the map from the pictures they'll see the spoiler right away. You should probably fix that so that we can view it without the spoilers ruining the puzzle. Onto the map. I'm not a fan of puzzles, but this looks pretty good. It does seem challenging though, but there are a lot of tricks that have been used many times before that I can see in this one. Overall this is pretty good seeing as this is your first map post ever (and first puzzle I'm guessing) Good job.