Im Just wondering what you think the best place I could matchmaking list for having a good chance to play with a guy with recon
Why would you want to? If you haven't noticed, asking forit won't get you it. You're just annoying a lot of people if you do.
Why, so you can take a screenshot and say it's you? I would say it's extremely unlikely that you will find someone, but play a ton of games in Lone Wolves in the high skill levels and you might have a chance. I wouldn't get your hopes up though. I've never seen Recon in Matchmaking.
Dont worry why i want to just answer the ****in question or dont post at all and big b i aint a ***** that would do that but thnx for answer the question sum the wway i nnever said i wanted it i just said i wanted to play matchmaking with some1 who has it
Ye can't really talk you joined april 09. Oh and probably this secret playlist called OMG-GTFO-Y-R-U-ASKING-THIS?
Um, these forums are only 1 and a half years old. Anyway, quit fighting people. I would say the best playlist would be team mythic. Thats where it seems that bungie plays the most, but any social playlist, you might be able to find someone.