Alright, a little tip for Infection maps that only would have one life. Instead of setting lives to one, you could: A. Put mini-zombie spawn points in a blocked off area of the map, and make sure they won't be able to get out. Make sure they have something to do. (All maps) B. If the mini-zombies won't be too much of a problem, just set their damage modifier to 0%. You could play around with the damage resistence, so that the zombies could be insta-killed, or have something to shoot while you're bored. (All maps) C. You could make a platform in the Skybubble for the zombies to run around on, while the humans are in the Middle Floor/Crypt. If they're supposed to be on the Skybubble, you could put the Zombies in the Crypt, or maybe the middle floor, and give them a bunch of stuff to mess around with. (Sandbox)
Ummm.... That either makes no sense or is comletely ridiculous/moronic. No offence bro but that just isn't a good idea, nor is it well stated. Please either clean up your thought process or don't bother posting those types of things.
Basically he's saying that instead of setting the number of lives to 1 in the gamemode, just put the respawn points in a separate, blocked off area. The problem with this is that it wastes resources. You have to build a separate play area for each of the teams. Plus, it'll only work on maps that are built specifically for one gamemode. Its just a lot easier to set lives to one.
Well, you're a ****. You didn't have to tell me to GTFO, you could of just said clear it up a little.