here are my 2 Mythic Recon screenshots if you tag mine with "Mythic Recon" i will tag yours First one is called "The Void" link : Halo 3 File Details [/URL] again the link : Halo 3 File Details This one is called "Ðìsçhàrgéd" link [/URL] again the link : Halo 3 File Details just give me the link to your screenshots for me to tag Thanks in Advance
Tagged both, here are mine: Dawn Gloom Construction Hallway Lights Authorized Duck Electricity Lit Slayer 002 Shenanigans
You do realise that its not a popularity contest? They expect people to do things like this so they don't only look at the most popular screenshots. The only reason they give a tagging keyword is so they can easily search for all entries.
Here are mine, tag and rate them please: Dawn : Halo 3 File Details Supremacy : Halo 3 File Details
Sure is... I went in thinking "I need to get used to 10 look sensitivity again so I might as well play something that's not ranked" and got this and raped although my team lost. lol. Figures huh? I wasn't sure what they were looking for in a picture but I just said hell with it and gave it a name and description how they asked and went for it.