Desceloration is our first map made by MLG Descent and HALO4LIFE24 Weapons: 12 Brs 2 Maulers 6 Carbines 1 Rocket launcher 2 Snipers : Halo 3 File Details Screenshots:
Your screenshots aren't working. here use this. (--> Haloscreenshots <--) Click that, type in your gamertag on the side, then click on a picture you want to use of yours, and once you click it, go under the picture where it says BB code. Copy that and paste it into the thread. Do this for all of your pics, and you'll have a good 1st post. And i suggest u add a description and weapon list of youyr map 2 the post, just so ppl can understand it better.
Take some better screenshots, from the pictures I have only a very vague picture of the map. If you want people to download your map, include a description and detailed pics.
Looks like a great 2v2 map, I can't wait to test this out. The layout is great, and as theres a sniper on it, I'm downloading. I'll test it out later, and I'll give a 7/10