Anyone getting this game? It's third person shooter based on two man tactics. It has splitscreen as well as online co-op. It comes out March 6, 2008. Additional information: and
This game is very much like Gears of War in terms of a third person shooter where you do not actually have health. It is almost the same game engine; you got to play it for yourself to understand what I am trying to say. It is great if you have a friend to play Coop on but I heard Xbox Live is horrible. Here are screenshots too comparing Gears of War to Army of Two: [img width=800 height=450][/img] [img width=800 height=450][/img]
Just to throw in my 2 cents, I rented this game and thought it could be awesome if I had someone to play co-op with. Ended up doing it on my own and really felt that I was missing half the fun. Personally I only think it's worth it if you have someone to play with.
I own the game and personally think that the campaign was kinda short but the online is supposed to make up for that I guess. I can't stand the online
From the things I have heard, this doesn't really seem like a game to buy. I might rent it for a weekend, but I doubt I will buy it. There are tons of other great games coming this year anyway.
like the game imlplies it is made for two people so unless you have a friend to play it with don't bother buying just rent it.
I played this and would recomend it to anyone that liked shooters! It is very much the same control kind of feel as Gears of War so if you liked Gears get this! It is amazingly fun!
I'm getting Army of Two this weekend and from what I've seen with videos, It is amazing. An example: Agro. Agro is a great system (from what I've seen). The graphics look insane, and I really like the fact of a 2 player story line. I know halo 3 has it, but it wasn't really about the arbitor.
Once aain great game so good choice Holy Liar. The aggro system works great for getting your team closer to the enemy. The campaign was pretty short though. H bet it in less than a day but then again it was on easy.
Yeah, it's a great's a lot like Gears and masters the idea of having a partner to support you...Even when you're playing single player it's still a great game, it still almost seems like you have someone else there playing with you that can cover you, distract enemies, and heal you when you're almost dead. I haven't tried multiplayer yet though, just campaign...I'll have to check it out.