This is my very first forgehub map! YEA! Being that it is my first forgehub map doesn't mean that it is my very first, do enjoy this, and give tons of feedback tell me how to fix some things if you find anything wrong, thanks. Team slayer ONLY as I do not know how to do spawns for anything else, if you play anything but slayer, you sill spawn on the middle of the entire map where the original Sandbox is. Download : Halo 3 File Details <Newer version Cryptid is a symmetrical 2 base map map for Team slayer only. Thanks to WareWolfSnipes for letting me use his bases, meh, it seemed like a good idea at the time. -weapon list- Battle Rifle x12 Sniper Rifle x1 Rocket Launcher x1 Covenant Carbine x3 Mauler x2 7 Frags 7 Plasmas Gameplay screens and screens of blue and Red base.
Heres a little side note, the wooden bridges in the center of the map aren't there anymore, instead I replaced them with a more even structure. I used Block, tall for the center instead of the wood bridges.
Okay, this looks like the gameplay would be great, but the aesthetics aren't working for me. It's not like they matter though. The weapons placement from what I see seems fair. The bases kind of remind me of the bases in Halo 2's Sanctuary for some reason. This is pretty cleanly made. Good job. Also, welcome to Forge Hub.
This map looks great, and seems like it would be very fun to play. It would have been cool if you had found a way to keep the wooden bridges, and have then on the same level as the blocks. In addition to that, the rest of the map seems a little open. I would also would make ways to get to the central bridge. Also, this map could use a mongoose or two, for objective games. Overall, 8/10, because it looks good(both gameplay wise and in aesthetics), but is a little too open
Wow this map reminds me of Santuary alot i love this map we played it so much but you do have a bug in Koth
This map looks awesome man, im glad you changed the wood to the Block Huge or Tall or w/e lol, for some reason i hate wood and stone together a few maps it looks good but it looked odd on yours. I'll be downloading this for sure, keep up the good forge work man.
The new link to the map is : Halo 3 File Details if you got the version of the map that wasn't fully completed I'm sorry, here is the new link, I also posted it at the top where the pics were at.
As pointed out earlier, the map is very open. There are some instances of bad merging and the tube corners with the man cannon do not always push you where you should be going and it takes 2-3 attempts sometimes to get to the top. Also in response to another poster, these are MLG maps so there are no vehicles.
A weapons list would be nice, and if there is a sniper on top of the higher levels, this map would be gold IMO. Over all, the map is really great, symmetrical bases, as well as geo-merging in the middle of the map with the walkways/planks.
this map looks like Sanctuary, but more like and MLG layout. You def need to make it more smooth. Interlock and geomerge. i give it a 3/5.
ill say, gameplay looks good aesthetics not so much, as well as i would have liked to see it compatible with more game types, such as CTF try to redo spawns with better aesthetics and its good
Wow, those bases are the exact same as the ones from the great remake of Sanctuary that's on here somewhere, you obviously used that map for the bases, there identical basically, so a word of advice, next time don't use anything from someone Else's map, it just looks really bad. Anyway, the maps pretty poor, even with the stolen bases its still only a 2/5.
Here check this out, this is the link to the best sanctuary remake on forgehub, and the world. You can see for yourself that this guy stole the bases from him. Exult (Sanctuary remake)
Hey its pretty neat and the bases remind me of sanctuary.The asethetics are not so good but i wouldnt care.The gameplay is good.Even though mlg i dont like so much.The weapons are even balanced so i would rate 3/5.Keep forging.:0)
^I really don't like your choice of wording here^ Don't be so quick to suggest such things, the map does have those bases I guess, but like I said this is the first map I have put up for forge hub, and I started making this map at someone Else's lobby and he let me use the bases that were there, so I said ok, I didn't steal anything. The other person is an active member of forgehub so that was probably where he got the bases but w/e. I also have a map in my share that says, "Start your map off with these bases." Because my friend recommended I start my first map with his bases, I liked the idea. So I also put the bases in my share. I am not taking them down either because I like the bases and well, its kinds too late now isn't it.
your map looks like it had very little planning. it has very few base "structures" and is primarily pieces of cover strewn across the crypt. i like that you're interested in MLG, but your map doesn't have near the complexity as the likes of Amplified and Lockdown. If you want to get better at producing MLG maps, start small. Wall off half of the crypt and build a level that has variations of height. Most of your map is ground level. Think of maps like the Pit or Hang em High. These maps have a lot of variations in the Z-axis, and it leads to a far more fun game when all your fights are not on the same level as you.