Well i have posted many pics and some of them are better than others. Which one is the best? you decide. Hero (NEW) electric Green shot (This pic has a cool story behind it, if you would like to hear it then here) Rockets (NEW) Splat (FUNNY) Warp speed UN-Happy endings (caption game) Here we go!
I think they are fairly done rather well.Also for the caption game I would put:"Oh no,I will be chopped by the chopper!"Also the one with the nice back story is really nicely done.It has a nice background,lighting,and it has a fair angle.But one you could touch up on is the Rocket one.Add some background to it if you know what I mean.Never leave a plain white background with an angle like such.Overall I liked them.Nice job.
That quote is so original... And what do you mean never leave a white background? Those can be some of the best screen shots. Please don't act like you know everything about taking screen shots.
i dunno, i liked warp speed the best simply because it just looks real cool. 4/5 total, the hero was kinda werid in my opinion. i don't get here we go either.