This Map It Outdated VERSION 3 IS OUT, VIEW IT HERE From Above... IS BACK now at Version 2 ** Please Leave A Comment** How To Play: This is an infection game type. The Zombies spawn up in the sky bubble and the humans spawn on the middle floor of Sandbox. The Zombies get rockets and fuel rod guns. From the sky bubble the zombies much shoot down and try to kill the humans. They must use strategy to box the humans in, in order to get the kill. If the zombies cannot kill the all of the humans within 2 minutes then they can "drop" down in the middle floor to finish the humans off (hopefully) To drop down the zombies must jump off the edge of their floating platforms so that they will die and respawn. The advanced respawn system will then start to respawn all zombies down into the middle of sandbox and into the "pen" that the humans are in. Now, enough text, time for some pictures. Overview Of Where Humans Spawn And Hopefully Stay (Let Me Know If You Break It) v v A Closer Look At The Humans Area v v This is where the Zombies Start Off, In The Sky Bubble V v This Is A View Of The Zombies Spawn From In The Sky Bubble v v This Is An Overview Of The Entire Map, The Zombies can use those square holes to shoot down at the humans. V V Like This... v v Action Shot v v In This Picture You Can Faintly See The Zombies Falling Down From The Teleporter To The Humans Spawn Area v v Just Quickly Made This Video, So Sorry For The Quality v v To Note: -Let me know either by PM or in this thread of things that need to be fixed or suggestion -I did not list the health, damage of the zombies/ humans only because they will most likely be changed as you guys give suggestions (I hope), however I will say that there are 25% zombies at the start. Let me know though if that works for large parties. - There is a required game type called "Way UP...V2" which is need with "From Above...V2" -Make SURE both the game and map say V2 - If any of you think that this is not original and has been done before then that is not true. I orginially made From Above... back before the mythic was released on xbox. It was one of (if not first) map to do this. Map And Gametype vvv STOP... Version 3 Is Out Here, You Will Be Download An Old Version! Click Here To Go To The Newest MapMap - From Above...V2 Gametype - Way UP...V2
this looks like it would a lot of fun except how long does it take for a rocket to reach the humans? it would seem that if you shot a rocket at one spot the human could run to the other side of the map?and how many zombies start?
Good Question, The Rockets take around 3-5 seconds , which is why I mentioned that you must strategize to "corner" the humans in, then go for the kill. There is 25% zombies, however, feel free to change it.
Sounds pretty cool. The only problem I see is if you don't really have alot of people (around like 5 or 6) then the time gap from fireing the rockets and hitting the floor is gonna take a long time. And cant the zombies just jump off and spawn down there right away?
Yeah, I see what you are saying. This probably works better with a larger party. However, just trying with a smaller amount of people worked well too. No, the zombies cannot jump off and spawn down there right away. I have it so that the respawn point is over two teleporters. When the zombie spawns he falls through the first one and goes into the second which sends him to the sky bubble. After 2 minutes, however, the first teleport is opened and sends him through custom powerups and then down into the humans area.
Well try emptying the human base a bit more so theres like not that much like a maze (but keep some of it)
Okay, sounds good. I had more items in because of the rockets travel delay. If it is too open then it makes it too easy for the humans. I do see what you mean though.
its good but the rockets just dont work niether does the fuel rod sorry but its a 1/5 astetic only point
Okay, any reason why the rockets and fuel rods don't work for you? Im only trying to make it better, thats all.
Yeah, I have tried using sentenial beams. They worked well but sometimes were a little to easy. I may bring them back in the next update to give more people variety. Oh and you're right, brute shots do blow up too early. The other thing I could do is move the zombies shooting place to below the skybubble therefore reducing the travel time of the rockets and maybe even allowing brute shots. It would be a lot of work though especially since Im at my budget cap.
If its below the skybubble then they can just jump off Unless you lower their gravifty ALOT and then put teles around the platform (if you make the platform alot smaller)
Oh right, wow how did I miss that one , the gravity and tele-porters may work. Still waiting for a good idea to come to me
the map looks great, and i loved how you added the extra stuff at the human base even though it seems ike too much. maybe you could place one laser for emergencies. or grenades up there.5/5 for idea 4/5 for gameplay
Thanks, I just remembered that I planed on putting in fire grenades on the map, I'll play test with them in and then release and update soon Oh and I know what you are saying about too much. I will remove some but not too much, since I feel it plays better with more. Others have mentioned that it is too much stuff so I am defiantly working on it though.
Oh yea stevey101 i added your Gmaertag but you did'nt accept it yet :'( I would love to help you and test it with you (i'm NOT saying that to get some credit, Don't mention me if you want) (just tossed that out there for people who thought that's why cause i've ran into alot of people like that l8ly)