Debate How do you think the universe will end?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Matty, May 1, 2009.

  1. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Im not talking about how you think the world will end, and i'm not talking about how you think that we will die, because it's highly improbable that we will survive long enough for our surroundings to break down around us. I'm talking about how you would believe out universe would spend it's last moments. The most common view is that we will continue to expand, with galaxies moving farther apart and heat being spread too far, causing us to die from lack of heat. Some believe that the universe will stop expanding, and begin to collapse on itself under forces of gravity. Some also think that the particles that exist as the basic building blocks for everything will begin to break down long before the above.
  2. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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  3. Cannon Fodder

    Cannon Fodder Ancient
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    I beilve that the sun will expand to a piint where it will engulf the earth, but by that time we will have found other liviable plantes, so were all cool.

    EDIT: soz, my bad, i think of the universe as an ever expanding house of cards, and after some time one card in the middle will be destryoed beyond repair (E.g. e humans blow up a planet) and then the whole universe will colapse in on its self.
    #3 Cannon Fodder, May 1, 2009
    Last edited: May 1, 2009
  4. Goatnuts

    Goatnuts Ancient
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    Read the OP....
    I don't think it will ever end completely.
  5. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    I agree with Goatnuts. Define "universe". If there is still one rock floating around the universe "exists", and if it eventually wears down and is converted into energy by various means the universe would still "exist", it would just be completely devoid of matter. Endless empty space.

    The Cyclic model makes more sense to me, but we don't know enough information about dark matter to definitively understand what is making our universe expand.

    This pretty much links to all pertinent theories on discussion.
  6. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    When i refer to the 'end' of the universe, i'm talking about an end to all possibilities of life as we know it,
  7. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    There are two possibilities. Either it will continue to expand at an increasing rate, thus everything will be so far apart from eachother, that the actual mater will decay and it will be a cold, dark dead place. Or, the dark mater will not be stable enough to withstand the force of gravity and everything will rush back in towards the center. AKA the big crunch. Both are sad endings, but the human race will be long gone anyway..
  8. madcow015

    madcow015 Ancient
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    well I think life on EARTH will end in 17,000 years at the next mass extinction triggered by volcanic activity in earth's mantle.

    hey, there's been about 5 mass extinctions on Earth already, and it seems each time the animal's have come back more evolved than before. Maybe aliens are us from the future, greatly evolved from our current human form.
  9. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Meatballs. Lots and lots of meatballs.

    I'm pretty sure the big crunch is going to happen. The whole universe collapsing on itself in a matter of milliseconds. That's gonna be fun...
  10. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    If you think about it, when the sun explodes eventually a new one will be created from the gases etc in space. Same as how our sun was formed. The Universe won't ever cease to exist, it will simply keep changing, new planets will form, old ones will be destroyed, new life might develop on new planets or come about on planets that we know now that have just changed.

    In a nut shell it won't end just keep changing for all time.
  11. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    I believe it will expand to a certain point, but not collapse. Then the stars will die out, one by one, until the entire universe is a cold, dead, empty, wasteland unable to sustain any form of life.
  12. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    The Big Crunch theory:
    The universe is still expanding from the big bang. Eventually the collective gravity off all matter in the universe will reverse this motion, and the universe will begin to shrink back together. This will take a pretty long time (biggest understatement ever?), but eventually everything will be pulled into black holes, which in turn will be pulled together and form the singularity (what things were like before the big bang).
    Then, another big bang will happen and the universe will have effectively restarted.
  13. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Galaxies will continue to grow, and one galaxy will have the gravity strong enough to pull other galaxies in, and more galaxies, until it becomes one giant galaxy. Then everything collies from within and all life dies.

    Note: I just thought of that, before I even knew what the Big Crunch is, lol.
  14. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Good thinking but I am sorry to say that it really can't happen that way. The galaxies are way too far apart to all come together. The closest galaxy to us is the Andromeda galaxy. At a distance of 250 million light years. It would take just light alone 250 million years to reach us. The expansion of the universe is adding to this distance every second. The rate is excelerating. If anything, they will grow further apart.
  15. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Many of the galaxies are moving at a good fraction of the speed of light, far to fast to be pulled in by the gravitational field of a galaxy some 250 light years away.
  16. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    Who says it will ever end? I would rather think that it's a cycle, and that as the universe begins to decay (the big crunch theory if you wish), then a new one will start.
  17. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Well, wouldn't that be an end and then a new begining? I think that it probably is a cycle. If that is the case can you immagine how many times it already has happend. This could be like the million time. The time on all that would be amazing to try to think about.
  18. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    With a very unspectacular sigh. No-oe will know though. Itt will have ended before it makes any noise or does anything cool.
  19. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I disagree with the idea of a recurrance, i see the big bang as the beginning of time. There was no time before the big bang, so there can be no time after the inverse of the big bang (big crunch). That's just how i percieve it.
  20. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    The big bang doesn't describe how the universe began- only the situations shortly afterwards. I actually didn't realize that until very recently.

    Yes- it will take an extremely long time to happen. No matter how fast they are moving or how far away they are, they still have a tiny gravitational effect on each other.

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