Sarkathalon 3 has gone live; and there is quite the prize up... Bungie Blog Link Map Variant Game Variant OFFICIAL RULES: One grand prize in the “Sarkathalon 3 Gamer Challenge” will be awarded to the entrant who completes the Sarkathalon 3 Halo course in the fastest time. Grand prize is a “Game of the Year Edition Elite Xbox 360 Bundle.” Approximate retail value: $399.00. Email proof of your course completion time to Official Sponsor: G4 Media, Inc. Sponsor will verify time and eligibility requirements. All decisions of Sponsor are final. Contest entry period begins April 30, 2009 at 8:00 p.m. Pacific Time (PT) and ends at 11:59:59 p.m. PT on May 10, 2009. Enter as many times as you like. Only your fastest time will be counted. Sponsor is not responsible for technical failures of any kind. Winner will be announced on X-Play the week of May 11, 2009. Open to legal residents of the 50 United States and DC. Must be 18 years of age or older (or 13 years of age or older with parental consent). See Mr. Sark’s contest description at for additional details." (He later stated that Recon would be given to first and second) Post Your Fastest Times Here is Mine: 2:54
Recon, and the 360? Dang. Must be pretty hard to give those both away, and give recon to the runner-up. He never said anything about cheating, I wonder if it's possible?
Oh no not this again. I remember the impossibleness of the Avalanche one. I'll give it a go I guess but I don't expect to win.
I'll give it a stab, but this grenade collection thing sounds hard. Still, recon calls noobs like me...
Ya I want to try this but almost 3:00 minutes? I thought that this would take like a half hour since all the things you can do with Sandbox. lawl but I gotta give this a try. I don't remember him saying you got recon though. Just the 360 Elite Bundle...I'm gunna go watch the vid again. Ya it DOESN'T say anything about Recon. Last time the winner got Recon but this time it is just the 360 Elite. And I can't enter cause I am in Canada
Okay, I;m stuck. I got up to the bit where there's the overshields, just after the blue light. Each platform after that has a blue column on it and another OS. Now I can't make the jump. Does the custom Powerup still need to be active at this point?
The First grenade thing keeps screwing me over... The grenade mechanism to the right works 25% of the time for me, I can nail both targets within the first 25-30 seconds, but when I go to collect them only the grenade on the left has dropped. Sadfaic. But I have just started, so I am sure I'll have far harder challenges in the future.
Prepare for a world of hate when you reach the Custom Power Up jump. The Rocket Launcher jumps are pretty difficult to. Sarge knows something we dont' know though...
Rocket Launcher jumps? I went through the map in forge and saw no rockets. Where were they? Also, I did check. I found nothing under any of the movable objects around the teles. And I've only found four 'nades: - The 2 Frags that the flying fusion coil knocks down (without detonating them for some reason) - There's a plasme grenade before the custom powerup. It's on the block below the corner of the diagonal walls you have to walk on top of. - There's another frag grenade after the blue columns. It replaces the one you use to grenade jump up to that part of the course, behind the red light on the right. But I still don't know how to get across the blue column platforms with the overshields on. You can't make the jump and the custom powerup doesn't last long enough to get across there to make the jumps (the powerup lasts 10 seconds) Can someone please tell me as I can't enter as I'm British so I can't enter the contest anyway.
He later states in the Bungie blog, that Bungie has also tagged recon along with it. While he doesn't say anything in the video it is still true. I bolded the significant part.
Everybody can enter the contest. By the way, seeing as Sarge will never help me. I'll help you out. Once you go through the first teleporter, jump onto the damaged stone pillar thing. From there jump to the lip you see across from the damaged stone pillar thing. Jump on top of the pillars until you reach the pillar with the rocket launcher on it. You use the rocket launcher to do the section with the overshields.
Elite therefore probably an upgrade. Does it come with Halo 3 LE too? Something like that. Sell it Error and you have a backup There are plenty of reasons to do that...
I've found all the grenades now. They all take more time to collect though. And the rockets don't respawn as I've discovered. Still haven't completed the course at all yet.
OK so I CAN ENTER! Yay! I will hopefully have time after my HW tonight! Oh and I need this too! Edit:OK well I got around to playing this and I have found all the grenades. The only thing holding me back from getting a great time is the one grenade at the top of the chute that never seems to fall down.