Kitchen (click kitchen to download) creaters of Kitchen: blamedraptor StScarhand This map is a gigantic kitchen with a big stove, dining table, chair, lamp, fridgerator, fan and much more its a very fun map for team slayer and FFA slayer and its very easy to tell your team mates where you are to get help Pictures toaster refriderator Oven Lamp Dining table Chair Action pic 1 Action pic2 have fun with your kitchen ! (= And if you can comment here as well as
it does play pretty fun with 10 people on FFA its crazy how many places you can be to try and kill people its pretty fun what ill say and well if you go into map youll see theirs a mongoose next to lamp and trucks under toaster to make it look like toy cars and trucks because point of map is to make you feel like your a little mouse and theirs other things around map too so i wouldent say its kinda empty (= lol
lolz like toy story... good times, good times. back when pacman was teh coolest thing ever and ppl hadn't heard of x-box or nintendo DS
looks like a great map, very interesting and original in the fact that everything else is so big. i realy like the refrigerator but the one thing that i can see is that not as much effort was placed in the seat straighten a few boxes maybe. but it seems like a cool map.
lol thanks guys for comments so youll know the toaster, oven, lamp actually work Oven: throw flame gernade in and watch the oven's top Toaster: if you jump in it will pop you out lol Lamp: go through portal to lamp and throw flare where you picked it up and it would look like a bright lamp for a while lol (=
This map definately doesn't seem like a competitive map, and I have forged through so I would know. Please consider relocating this map to another section.