Do you guys know if there is anyone that has all the medals possible for game stats on their bungie thing? Just wanted to know how they all looked like if someone had all of them
o, i think hes referring to if anyone has gotten every medal possible in matchmaking. i do not no if anyone has.
I don't think anyone has all of them. I know there are a couple that have most of them. Like this one for example:
Only thing is, That link is to his Social Matches.. Ranked is what really counts.. Don't get me wrong it's impressive.. But it's way easier to get medals in a social match then it is in a ranked match.
yeah, i agree i got killapocalypses from grifball and exterminations that i wouldnt have gotten in normal matches , but i got a total legit rampage in social big team slayer
Besides the fact that you cant get a ranked game of juggernaught. Also you cant get any games of infection anymore. So All medals in ranked is impossible. All medals in unranked is highly unlikely. Look me up, i have around 80% of the medals.
found a website that shows the people with the most medals for each category:
Sorry for the double post I just found this guy, he's a member here at FH ''SLY JD'', i think and he was on a halo stats thread, and i believe this is the profile i've seen that has the most medals: Here
I gotz all teh medalz... Jk, I'm not even close and I'll never get Mmm Brains! (10 kills in a row as zombie). Getting all ranked medals is pretty much impossible.
No one person has all the medals, either in ranked or social. Mainly due to zombies being part of a medals chest. Please stop asking.
USSR SNIPER has all social medals except for infection. he has stopped playing cuz once u reach gen. grade 5 u realize u have no life he doesn't have infection cuz he didn't play last weekend.