Hey, I am currently making a map with a Gold Club on it. I placed it in forge, then when I play the map in a custom game, it isn't there. The gametype is King of the Hill. How can I get it to spawn? Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
I can see it in Forge. I think something is weird on the map, probably the exploding fusion coils mess it up... Fuel Rods also won't spawn. Oh well, it's OK, I will just use Gravity Hammers.
Force spawn it then, set the runtime min to be the same as the runtime max. If that doesn't work, then its probably lag caused from the fusion coils. I don't know how many you've placed, but if the amount starts with a- and ends with -ll of them its too much.
Yeah, I tried setting the runtime min and max to the same, but it didn't work. I guess all 8 lagged it up too bad (although they are constantly exploding).
sometimes it can be the default gametypes. If you took one of Bungie's default gametypes, edited it and saved it once, then this could be your problem. sometimes it doesn't spawn sentinel beams, fuel rods, and now I'm guessing it applies to 7-woods also, because they are unique. Try making a duplicate gametype.
Just tried that out, still didn't work. That might be the problem though. Maybe there is no fixing it....
I had a similar issue with fuel rod guns and sentinel beams not appearing on my Wolf359 maps. I just built a new Ghostbusters map and I only wanted Sentinel Beams and Plasma Rifles available, but the Sentinel Beams won't appear. I'm thinking it may be because I'm at the hard cap for item limit. Beams are set to max run time and spawn at start, so it's got to be the hard cap which may be causing them to not appear. EDIT: I just downloaded a different version of Ghostbusters and used that as my base for the Gametype and sentinel beams did appear. It seems that some game types go corrupt, so I'd try to find a game type that appears to work and use that as your base to set up your game.