Mysteriously hovering over the ruins of an ancient civilization, it's true purpose still eludes all of mankind. This map is designed for standard two team Multi-Flag, and Team Slayer and Team BR variants. Residing in Sandbox's notorious skybox increases it's visual appeal but plays as if it was ground based. No portals and catwalks a plenty as some skybox box maps contain. Mirrored bases and lack of over powered weapons makes the gameplay balanced and fast paced. Two short tunnels and a slightly elevated doorway are the means of traveling between both bases. The center doorway becomes a place best used for movement suppression while the 2 tunnels create the ability to flank the other team if they are left unaware. Unlike some maps where countless amounts time is spent reaching your teammates, searching for weapons, and travel time is cut to a minimum instead focusing on a hole team effort and breaking each others defenses. Teamwork and communication is essential on this mirrored map. 4-10 players. Weapons on Map keep in mind both sides are mirrored. Due to it's fairly small size dropped weapons are plentiful. The center door area is starved of weapons because during play testing to much ammo/weapons in the center caused the doorway to be to strong of a camping point especially if map is used for free for all slayer. This seemed to fix the problem. Battle Riffle -2 10 sec Carbine -2 20 sec Plasma Rifle -2 20 sec SMG -4 20 sec Mauler -1 90 sec Frag Granade -4 10 sec Plasma Granade -4 30 sec Gametypes Team Slayer Team BR's Multi-Flag One Flag BR's start on any game type is my recommendation but is set up so custom game types are not required. DOWNLOAD HORIZON MAP BY CLICKING HERE I hope you enjoy this map and please take the time to voice your INTELLIGENT opinion about my map and vote. This is my first map to post here so it really is appreciated when I receive constructive feedback. If you like this map feel free to use the copy button to duplicate this map into currently unused file share slots you might have. Just respect that it's my design and don't claim it as your own. I wouldn't do that to you. Thanks, thehumangerm
Could you give us a list of weapons and equipment? And also what gametypes it supports and what gametypes are best for it? It would really help us to decide if we want to download it or not. Otherwise, this map is visually pleasing. I'm liking the layout, it's pretty different from most maps - which I like.
Working on more pics now. Due to the small size the amount of weapons dropped on the ground pile up only thing starved is the mauler for good reason.
I gathered the concept of the lay out a few pics in. You should have an overview pic of the map to show the mirror image of the map. i think it would help those thinking about downloading. I agree in some regards about a lack of weapons but, I think I need to rethink how many weapons a map can have and how many a map should have. Oh! And in case you never thought about this, I would make sure those grav-lifts under the flag spawns are set to instant respawn. It would be really bad if a team camped up there and destroyed the grav-lifts to prevent the other team from getting the flag. If you have, then, great job on thinking ahead! That shows forge wisdom.
i like the map and am dl it right now i love objective games, but i was wondering how come people NEED weapon lists, i mean when i bought halo 3 in no part did it give a description of weapons on the maps so my real question is this: why do they need to give a weapon list?
The aesthetics here are almost perfectly created. I only see one bump in the floor from the pics. The layout is also very unique, which is what all these maps need. Excellent work.
I have the lifts instantly re-spawning already. Plus they are not the only way on the towers. It is possible to get on the tower 3 ways. Thanks for the input.
I really like the layout of this map, simple yet effective. Only thing I would suggest is moving the spawns that are next to the red and blue columns forward a little. If anyone that doesn't know the map gets spawned there they might back up and die. On the other hand, once they do it once they probably wont do it again, lol. Other than that I look forward to playing a game on this one, good job.
Thanks for the input. I originally was worried about this but I was more afraid that someone would stand on the edge behind the spawn points causing annoying spawn kills or teammates spawning in front of you when using the areas as cover. Plus the further forward the more vulnerable no one like spawning in the open next to an enemy. Thanks for the input. Is it necessary to have a list no. In fact they can be deceiving with all of the re-spawn options available but at the same time it is nice knowing that going around the corner in a map you wont walk into a unknown turret or rocket/sniper. With all of the maps available out there I can see why any little bit of extra info can help to choose this map over another.
well i would talk about the picts. a little sadely, but it seems your going to add more. for what i can see, this looks like a really good map. i like the(im guessing) red floating sniper base. With other people i really like the areas you interlocked the red and blue collums into the obelisks. For the whole map, it seems it would a really fun map to play on. I like that there is no power wepons, the most powerful is the mauler, so great job with the map.
This looks good, very simple making it a great Slayer map for me. I love the outside of the map, with those pillars. And the wall in the middle of the map making it the only accessible way into the enemies base is fantastic. Looks like a great objective map as well.
I tried very hard to make our super jumping friends very disappointed in getting to unwanted areas of the map. Thanks for the simple comment. Some a lot of the maps I see are full of camp spots secret locations and just plain tons of unnecessary items all over a map. You don't need 13 pistols, 4 ghosts, and 6 jump platforms on a map to make it good.
i really liked the map and it's symmetry. flag locations were a cool idea, as well as the tunnel entry aesthetics. the bumpiness was a little rough especially while entering the tubes. maybe merge the floor together so it doesn't push up. other than that a really cool map. 3.5/5
Thanks look look for a remake in the future I should be able to get more out of a stacked map. thanks Hope you enjoy.
I have built a very similar. Basically what i wanted to do with horizon with out all of the floor tile issues. H hope to have it up soon Waiting on some more play testing an a highlight real.