Sandbox Inner Relic

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by philly100000, May 2, 2009.

  1. philly100000

    philly100000 Ancient
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    #1 philly100000, May 2, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2009
  2. Spirit798

    Spirit798 Ancient
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    Wow, the cilinder room impresses me. I have a drawn design for a map with a cilinder room, but with a whole other idea and purpose behind it. Above that, I'd make it in the crypt, 'cause I need a floor to work with.

    EDIT: Wow, can't believe I really posted that without anything decent regarding your map..
    First few pictures didn't impress me, by far, but I can see where this map is going.
    I really like the ledge in the cilinder room, if you don't mind I might steal that part and use it on my own :3
    That would add a whole new dimension to the room..

    I'll download and give you something decent to chew on when I play on it.
    .. Which might take a while, though.

    I haven't had a match on it, but I did do a forge-through.
    You need new/more pics, because that map is far more awesome than I thought it'd be.
    The cilinder is simply put HUGE (overstatement, BIG would be better). The map has a better go-around than I thought, in the meaning of a path I hadn't even seen in the screenshots (it's the one with the BR, you show it in your screenshots, but I couldn't quite decipher where it was. Maybe give an overview, wether made in Illustrator, or screenage'd in Halo).
    This is a keeper, untill something better comes my way, of course.
    #2 Spirit798, May 2, 2009
    Last edited: May 2, 2009
  3. philly100000

    philly100000 Ancient
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    Thats apsolutly fine use it if you like to, il look into your new map aswell
  4. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    I saw the first 6 pics and I wasn't really impressed. But once I got to the 7th one... I literally said "WHOA!" I think the map is a bit plain. Try to add some more cover in your v2. I think th interlocking in the circular thingy is amazing. It is smooth and looks like it took you a while. I would edit the bases and make them a bit smoother. Other than that I think it's a decent map. I think I came across as pretty harsh... This is still a good map. Just some things could be a little better. 3.5/5 I look forward to seeing more from you...
    #4 chung_wii, May 2, 2009
    Last edited: May 2, 2009
  5. lightcanrule123

    lightcanrule123 Ancient
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    i really like how you gave each base an energy sword that way instead of having a single noob runnin around with a sword screwing up the other team, you can now have duals, but putting a sword in the center also, wasnt that smart, since everyone is going to end up with a sword, instead put sumthing like a shotgun, or a sniper, or rockets, to counter the swords. BUT I DISPISE ROCKETS. unless their in my hands ^.^
    #5 lightcanrule123, May 2, 2009
    Last edited: May 2, 2009
  6. philly100000

    philly100000 Ancient
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    Theres actualy only 1 sword lol, it may look like theres 2 but both bases connect to the middle
  7. Mattra Machine

    Mattra Machine Ancient
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    the middle cylinder is really good looking. nice interlocking. i wish the bases were a little smoother. if you merged the blocks on the floors of the bases it would help a lot. there are a few places with big bumps. overall a good map i like the design of it. 3.5/5
  8. A L0T

    A L0T Ancient
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    i enjoyed the center structure. it definitely looks like you ran out of objects, and if that's the case i know that situation too well. it looks like it has some sanctuary inspiration as well as a good deal of creativity. all in all i think its a good map. 3.5/5
  9. philly100000

    philly100000 Ancient
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    Ya i did run out of objects actualy, and all i needed was a few more, but its fine how it is

    I added a screenshot of the part, just if anyone else gets comfused, its the 4th screenshot
    #9 philly100000, May 3, 2009
    Last edited: May 3, 2009
  10. froger60

    froger60 Ancient
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    wow an amazing job on the center piece, as you said it does look like you used as many objects as you could for this, 4.5/5 it could use a touch more of cover.
  11. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    This looks like a great map
    i saw that in the first picture you had walls stacked up on eachother neatly
    i know that takes a lot of effort
    also the cylinder room is pretty awesome
    However before i'd download id like to see an overview of the whole thing
  12. philly100000

    philly100000 Ancient
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    I cant really take an overview because all i can get in the shot is the cylinder part i cant get the bases in it the sky doesent go high enough
  13. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    Well if you can't post an overview caould you please post an underview?
    i just want to see the general layout of your map
  14. philly100000

    philly100000 Ancient
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    Sure it will be up in about 5 mins

    Edit: here it is

    #14 philly100000, May 3, 2009
    Last edited: May 3, 2009
  15. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    it looks like the cylinder will be the spot for some huge battles
    this gets my download
  16. philly100000

    philly100000 Ancient
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    yes i hade a 3v3 battle and you pretty much always die either on the stairs, in the center, or die the tunnel
  17. philly100000

    philly100000 Ancient
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    Thanks for all the feedback everyone havent had a bad comment yet
  18. Spanko

    Spanko Ancient
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    TBH I wasnt impressesed at first, then I saw the centre peice and nearlly fell off my chair. Its beautifull. You must have spent ages on it. I was thinking about making a big round room on my map Artifact but i cudnt be bothered to forge it and it ended up being a square. So great job with that.

    The bases on the other hand just seem a little plain, bumpy and unattractive. With such an awsome centre peice you need bases to match. If I were you I'd go back and work on them a little more, maybe even rethink and redo. I dont mean to be harsh, thats just what I think.

    5/5 for the middle. 3.5/5 for the rest. Look forward to seeing a V2.
  19. philly100000

    philly100000 Ancient
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    theres a problem with that, i only hade about 57$ left i think it was, then halfway finishing the first base, i ran out of objects, so i had to delete the base, and make 2 bases at the same time, so they kinda turned out not how i wanted them, and not having a wall all the way around it
  20. Bourbon

    Bourbon Ancient
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    I downloaded this map two weeks ago, had a 2 vs 2 game on it the other day. It is very fun, I love the cylinder area (as many players have stated). If you can find a way to improve the side bases I would definitely grab the V2.

    Keep up the good work.

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