THAT'S JUST TOO EPIC. OH...MY...GOD...*Jizzed in my pants* But the scout shoulder could have been more lined up with his head, you know. And his armor primary color should be orange, and his primary yellow. But a nice idea.
Agent Quack has been compromised! nice one btw, I thoughtit was going to be Scout armor with a sub-par item/effect.
holy ****, this is the best one i've seen in a real long time 5/5 ****ing hilarious, maybe try to get it so that that isn't really anything in the background.
I would've had a halogasm if the arm wasn't there. Still winnaarz, no questions asked. You should put a link to your fileshare.
holy **** i lol'd. only thing maybe to improve is make ur guy yellow for the screenie. makes it more like a duck...
LOL!!! Nice pic 5/5. How did you manage to get this to happen. The colors are wrong but who cares. But doesnt the ODST already kinda look like a duck.
5/5 for actually looking like a duck and the funniness of it couldnt have gotten the colora right or was this pic just an accident?
For all those wondering, this happened by sheer accident. I was actually play testing a new map on Sandbox inthe crypt when, I think, a whole bunch of grenades went off. I was looking for action shots and BOOM! My own shoulder wound up in my head. So as much as everyone would like to see the correct colors, which I might do with photoshop, I probably couldnt recreate this if I tired.
you could ask someone in the Graphics and Arts forum to help you with the coloring changes<--here
oh sorry i misunderstood your earlier post i thought you said you couldnt recreate the colors or something my bad