Sandbox Bliss V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by IVIAJIK, Apr 13, 2009.


    IVIAJIK Ancient
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    Bliss V2 is large map (recommended 4v4) and is set up for TS and CTF.

    Bliss V2 is not only bigger and better than the original, it was also rebuilt from the ground up. Everything is very smooth with some merging here and there to make it smother. Three new structures have been added such as the new OS platform and the redesigned streets. All weapons have been deleted and moved around. Bliss V2 has a whole new feel to it and looks amazing to! : Halo 3 File Details< Link to Map

    Weapons: (restricted due to budget)
    BR x4 Respawn 10 sec
    Sniper x2 Respawn 2 min
    Mauler x2 Respawn 2 min

    Power Up:
    Custom Power Up Respawn 2 and a half min


    Overview: As you can see its a lot bigger and you can notice the new structures as well.

    Red Base: Basically the same as before with a few tweaks such as weapon placement. The mauler is now located in the pit where the needler used to be, directly under the colored light. Blue base is the same.

    New Street: The streets in the first version recieved alot of complaints so they have been completely redesigned and this is what they are now. The snipers have been moved up here and there is some cover but not to much so this prevents camping. Also you can jump to top mid from the ramps and from top mid very easily back to the streets. Both streets are the same.

    Bottom Mid: This is nearly the same except for the lack of the mauler and the ramps you can hide behind have been moved forward slightly.

    Top Mid: Top mid is probably my favorite part of this map especially the new OS platform. it looks great and i think it provides everything people wanted with some cover around the OS. If you destroy the grav lift it is on instant respawn to.

    OS Platform: Another great shot of the new OS Platform.
    [​IMG] : Halo 3 File Details< Link to Map

    Any suggestions, ideas, or complaints would be greatly appreciated! If enough is entered a V3 will be made. the spawns might be a little bleak but had to many objects on map.
    #1 IVIAJIK, Apr 13, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2009

    X1BLACKOUT1X Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks great. I'll give it a DL.
  3. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Your map is fairly well built. Some more gaurd rails would be nice. I think you should remove two of the 4 corner tunnels they provide a bit to much cover. But your map still is very smooth and has an interesting design 4.5/5
  4. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
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    couple days ago i downloaded this along with otehr ones, so i looked around on this map and played with some friends on it. We said that it was a pretty good map. there was some small bumps, and the area to get the sniper down was kinda anoyying becasue you had to jump up to get to the ramp. For some of the pathways, you would not mean to fall of, because well not alot of walls at the edge to stop you from falling off, so some forging on that could help, but other than those, it was a nice MLG map, nice forging

    IVIAJIK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i would love to place more objects on this map so i could make it absolutely perfect but i hit the object limit and i am personally surprised you didnt find anything wrong with the spawns but if you know a map that will allow me to hit the object limit much later than what i did i would greatly appreciate the link for a V3!
  6. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    The only real way to get it so you can add more objects is compact it more. Take away the little gap from the lights at red and blue base and make it run straight into the middle tunnel and then have your left and right walkways start where you have the tunnel elbows in the bases. Other than that man idk what else you could do, i love this layout though its very ingenious and new.

    Okay apon further examination i got it: take out the second set of elbows near the middle coming from both bases, make the side structures run straight into them but leave the ramps you have from the elbows going to the lights in the bases, you will have to modify the lights area on both bases and move them closer to the tunnels that run to bottom middle that way you can have more objects to use for cover and it leaves the flow of the map un interupted. If you don't get what im saying pm. me and i'll send you a modified pic from your overview and try to show you what i mean.
    #6 CaptnSTFU, Apr 23, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2009

    IVIAJIK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks captain but unfortunately this is the last version of this map because i left halo 3. but your idea sounds like it could be a great addition to this map and i encourage you to make this the best map it can be even if you have to put out your own version. thanks again everyone for the help on this amazing map

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