HLG Fails

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Pedobear, May 2, 2009.

  1. Pedobear

    Pedobear Ancient
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    So, I was playing Team Snipers on Valhalla. I get this message from a guy named jhayes321...

    jhayes: "r u hiding"
    Me: "of course"
    jhayes: "im hiding asswell" (<<< LOL)

    So, I find his spot and snipe him.
    After killing him...

    Me: "you ****ing suck"
    jhayes: "im in new plac now"

    He was in the tower. I snipe him, anddddddd...

    Me: "you. ****ing. suck."
    jhayes: "and ur spot is so much better right"
    Me: "yeah... u never found me..."

    We won the game 50-23 and I never got another message from him. I guess he blocked me.

    So, please share any HLG fails you have.
    #1 Pedobear, May 2, 2009
    Last edited: May 2, 2009
  2. mikeblair333

    mikeblair333 Ancient
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    team doubles, one guy on my team had left. The other guys decide to hide in the ledge on S2 on guardian and apparently feel so confident in their abilities in hiding that they decide to leave to do something else. I find them, and kill them a total of 19 times before the game ended. They came back right at the post-game lobby, and were shocked to find that they had lost. They proceeded to tell me how much of a *** i was and how it was completely unfair to do that. I proceeded to tell them how hypocritical they were being in calling me unfair and unsportsmanlike when they decided to hide and attempt to bore me to death.They then told me to **** off, and sent me a series of hilarious messages that are too obscene to say on a public network. lulz
  3. Critical Fate

    Critical Fate Ancient
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    If you are actually good at Halo then HLG is a very good tactic. I am HLG and I have good hiding spots.
  4. Pedobear

    Pedobear Ancient
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    I'm trying to assemble a team to play with in Team Slayer. Wanna play together? My GT is HLG Quagmire.
  5. Laxer

    Laxer Ancient
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    I was playing dubs on the Pit. Me and my buddy were going to hide when we got the lead in sword room and behind that pallet on blue side (I think.) But when they got the lead
    3 - 2 they went to hide.

    They actually hid on us in the same exact spots. We played dumb until 20 seconds left. We collected the power weapons and snuck up on them with 5 seconds left. My buddy sniped the pallet guy, while I snuck up into sword room with rockets.

    We won with 1 second left. The other team were good sports though. It was fun.
  6. unbeaten baroz

    unbeaten baroz Ancient
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    To be honest, and I don't want to sound like a douche, but was it necessary to insult him? He's using the same tactic as yuourself, yet since you're more experienced, he should be belittled? No offence, but I'm sure you were in the same position as he was at one point, being a beginner a HLG.

    As for my own HLG occurance, I don't have many memorable ones. Spots that I try tro utilize ar far to known, and obvious, or we can't receive the time suitable to actually implement a spot in our game play.
  7. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    I got a video of this one...

    Team dubs on epitath, I was hiding behind the lift and I think my friend was up on the outside banisters, then they start looking for us. A guy walks past the windows in the lift and then walks backwards (u no like in the movies when they see summit n walk bak?) and then he starts shootin the window trying to get me, AND THEN, he trys sticking me with a sticky nade and he runs up to the window, throws it and sticks himself :D

    It was an epic failure...
  8. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I hide to annoy, not to win. Then I quit, because I'm an arsehole lol

    But yeah, that sounded fun. I got partied in TD with HLG guys. They got the lead then hid. I got a message saying "we win 5-2". I messaged back saying "not if I can help it".
    The map was Construct and I know most of the hiding spots there, so when I saw one of them hiding up top above sniper spawn, I sent him a message saying "I c u *****". When he stopped crouch-walking about I knew he was reading the message and sniped him and his friend.
    Then it was just a game of hide and seek after this, and we actually won. They jumped out of their hiding spots when they realised they were losing 34-30 with 30 seconds remaining, but then we hid too and/or kept running away until we won 34-33. They would have easily won if they hadn't hid though. I got a running riot from the match too! I'm not even HLG I was only a Captain at the time, and they were both Colonels lololololol
  9. Sephire124

    Sephire124 Ancient
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    I think HLG is funny. Now I wouldn't do it every game, otherwise that would get boring. I like hiding sometimes just because its fun and shows who really takes this game way too seriously.
  10. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    I was walking around and I just hear "......he can't find us. lolz. And he just needs one more kill and he can't get us. hahah." I look up and of course they are above me and them talking gave their spot away.

    I then said "Dumbfucks, The other team can hear you if your talking and we are close enough" and I shot them with rockets for a double kill to win the game. Team doubles on narrows.

    Not a great story but funny at the time.
  11. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    SWAT on epilogue, my worst map. I got two kills then hid while my team won the game. I went positive on Epitaph for the first time in a while! Wouldn't have worked except it was SWAT, so being outnumbered doesn't hurt you too bad.

    Yes, I'm that confident in my ability to go positive on that map, *brushes shoulders off*
  12. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Hehe, I don't know if you consider this HLG, but near the end of the game I was hiding in those little crevice things next to the floating rocket spawn platform on Epilogue, (SWAT) and BR'd a bunch of people until they realized where I was. I also got the last kill, and the guy was trying to hide in my hiding spot. I then realized another guy was hiding in the opposite crevice as the game ended.

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