I sat down one day and decided to make an MLG map. This is it... It is symetrical, and the base towers have either an A or B sign pointing down. The Crane has been hidden in one of the towers, I need someone to help me finish it and make ramps, and create the mid-bases/ side areas the signs point towards. Anybody feel up to helping me finish it? PM me or Post in this thread if you're an expirienced forger who has creative ideas. Premiums,Seniors,Mods, You're all welcome to help. ;]
WOW, this looks like the next amplified. You have found away to make a good MLG map without ripping it straight off of amplified or onslaught. My only question is, will you be able to get onto those towers with the "A" or "B" signs sticking out?
You're able to get on top of the towers next to those towers, but I suppose if you were to grenade jump you might be able to reach the top. And thank you for the possitive commenting Interested??
Umm i wouldn't be very good. As a matter of fact i am not very godly at all. Plus i have maps qued for creation. Good luck though. I could see many people who ask if they can help just so they can say they forged the best MLG map ever. chose wisely.
Thanks for the pep talking, lol I hope it turns out well... Dont be afraid to help just because its Foundry people...
looks pretty good, I would help out but my mic is not working... I am pretty sure you want someone for ideas and ability to talk to which is not possible for me due to the mic problem... I hope it goes well for you, keep up the good work
i dont mind helping. =D this looks great and i hate sandbox and love foundry so msge me tommrow for help. =) Pixie Dustttt