This sandy vale became home to a rebel outpost in 2550AD. The Forerunner structures remain intact. By SimpleD & ReiKo [Download Link] Prologue This is my first map that I've actually finished, working alongside SimpleD to create this 5v5/6v6 CTF/Slayer/Assault map. We feel that we have captured the essence of the carnage filled situations you all know so well. This one sided map has a similar feel to that of Zanzibar, although completely different in appearance. This map took us around 3 days to finalise and another 2 or 3 days to test and tweak to make sure it was balanced. You will find that the defensive base is pretty hard to attack, but we assure you that captures are very possible if you have the tactics to win. Vehicles are featured on the map, but are not necessary to win the game. Power Weapons are found within the middle structure, such as the Rocket Launcher, Grav Hammer and Maulers on either side. Snipers can easily be found behind each base with Battle Rifles spread across the front of the bases and around the middle structure. Having a Sniper Rifle will not assure you the win as they are pretty vulnerable at the vantage points scattered around the rim of the map. We suggest getting a good party together and giving this a go. Anyway, on with the map info. Supported Gametypes 5v5/6v6 - One Flag, One Bomb 4v4/5v5/6v6 - Team Slayer BR starts recommended, although not necessary Vehicles Warthog - 1 - 60 Second Respawn Mongoose - 2 - 45 Second Respawn Chopper - 1 - 60 Second Respawn Weapons Battle Rifle - 7 - 45 Second Respawn Sniper Rifle - 2 - 60 Second Respawn Rocket Launcher - 1 - 60 Second Respawn Mauler - 2 - 45 Second Respawn Plasma Pistol - 2 - 30 Second Respawn Brute Shot - 2 - 60 Second Respawn Covenant Carbine - 2 - 45 Second Respawn Missle Pod - 2 - 90 Second Respawn Needler - 2 - 30 Second Respawn Gravity Hammer - 1 - 60 Second Respawn Equipment/Etc Frag Grenade - 8 - 30 Second Respawn Plasma Grenade - 4 - 30 Second Respawn Spike Grenade - 2 - 30 Second Respawn Trip Mine - 2 - 60 Second Respawn Active Camo - 1 - 90 Second Respawn Overshield - 1 - 90 Second Respawn Screenshots/Action Shots Spoiler Overhead Spoiler Overview - Blue Side Spoiler Securing the cap. Spoiler Making an exit. Spoiler Keep your eyes on the road! Spoiler This can't be good... Spoiler Argh! My face! Spoiler Incoming! Additional Comments/Thanks On behalf of SimpleD and myself, we'd like to thank everyone who helped us test out the map and gave feedback for certain features. We really didn't want to release this map without proper testing, so thank you for putting up with the initial spawn issues and such. Obviously, any recommendation I give you to play with this map with be blatant plugging, but anyone who has played on it will vouch for me when I say it's really fun and balanced. Feel free to try multiflag or multibomb, but we decided to leave out these gametypes as the bases weren't symmetrical and the balance may be off a good bit. Check it out and leave any feedback you'd like us to know. We'll be sure to take it into consideration on our/my next map. Thanks.
This map looks bad ass, the merging and geo merging looks really good. I'm just wondering what the game play is like. I'm definitely gonna have to download this map. Good job and keep up the good work bro.
Wow. Probably one of the neatest forges on Sandbox I've seen in a while. The geomerging is very clean and must have tooken quite a bit of effort to do. I'm just not sure about how the gameplay is. I'll have to download and find out. The only thing I don't like about this map is that the middle seems too open. You should definetly fix that so people that are just running through don't get slaughtered by the warthog from lack of cover. Good job anyway.
Thanks for all the positive feedback so far guys. It's nice to know our work is being appreciated. About the middle; We felt that we made it more difficult to control the middle, therefore lowering the chance of one team whoring the power weapons. We played around 10 games on it and everything seemed to work and seemed balanced for both teams. Hog whoring isn't so much a problem on this map with the missile pods available. However, if you waste those missiles trying to pick off a few low-health opponents, you're probably going to be at a distinct disadvantage. If you play with the suggested numbers on the suggested gametypes, you will have a blast. Again, thanks for the positive/constructive feedback. It always helps to know how you can improve.
From what I see this looks like it could be a great map for large parties, of course I should just follow your recommendations seeing as you have done a fair amount of playtesting and know what you are doing. When looking at the overview I get the bases mixed up and wonder why the attackers seem to have the fortress. If it wasn't for those blue/red lights I would be so confused once I started a game. The bases look HUGE! You don't get many maps like that. My only issue is how it seems to be a little scarce on cover in the middle areas. I wouldn't want to cross out in the open on foot. Perhaps mancannons at the bases to launch at least to the center or something to make your trip a little faster, like Valhallah and Avalanch. Overall I like the map. It is aesthticly pleasing and promises good game play, which is what I always look for in forge maps.
Great Map Reiko! The map looks amazing. The game play on the map sort of reminds you of a blood gulch map or something similar. With cover on the middle and some on the outside of the map. Great Map! I will catch you on later to do more play testing on my map need some work.
This map has something that most maps don't have. That is the sort-of Halo-ish feel that I can tell just by looking at the pictures. This would be a better default map than Sandbox. Excellent in bringing the pieces into the sand, 9.5 out of 10.
Very nice indeed. It's both aesthetically pleasing and looks like it supports great gameplay as well. The geomerging seems to really make a difference here in the aesthetic nature - I DL and try it out when I get online later.
I'm really digging the look of this map. It's so much different from the usual 2-sided maps you see on the default layer of Sandbox all the time. I'm definitely going to download this and play it at the Halo 3 LAN I'm attending tomorrow. After then, I promise I will come back and post my thoughts on the map. As for right now - judging by how it looks - I'll give it a 5/5.
Are people skipping this for any reason? I'm just interested to know why all the responses seem pretty good, yet there's only a few. I'd like to hear possible problems you have with the map too.
Really? No flaws from what you can tell from playing on it or from the screenies? Anyway, you guys are real nice over here. Glad I posted it. Just wish more of you would check this out. Guaranteed fun on 5v5 to BTB sized parties.
I loved the screenshots, I've been waiting to reply until i get a chance to play some actual good games on it. You'll find that most members that reply to your map within the first day or so of posting the map, dont actually download or play your map, and are just spamming bullshitters that are wasting your time. The more reliable members will refrain from commenting until they have a chance to formulate a comment that will serve a purpose. I'll be back with a comment like that once i get a chance to play, like i said, im just answering your question about the responses youve gotten so far.
you want to hear about problems with your map here is a few key contributing factors that I feel could benefit the players and map itself. 1. Trying to get enough people that don't quit out early while trying to get my blue big team bashing going on, you know what im talkin about Reiko! 2. was I suppose to write something here....can't remember...hahahah No bro check it, I honestly don't see nothing wrong with it, even when we had 4 on 4 it played well. (not to its full potential, we want BTB!!) Birds are up and I'm going down, time to charge my built in H3 battery Good night/mornin all
This map is definitely BTB material. We played 4V4 on it and it felt like the place was completely empty. It definitely needs BR starts. The geomerging of the two bases is totally awesome, but there were parts of it that didnt make sense to me, like one of the bases has some dead-end rooms in it. The sparseness of the map detail-wise also irked me. I think this map has a lot of potential but is going to need some tuning in order to be figured out. The vehicles seemed extremely unbalanced to us, and overall we didnt really have a lot of fun playing.
I like how everything actually feels like Forerunner structures. It shouts grandeur just like some of the levels in the campain. Good job in capturing that essence!
Everything you've said is pretty much true. We hit the object limit before we had a chance to add some finishing touches, which in turn, altered the overall feel of what we were trying to do. We are trying to make sure people understand this is a Squad Battle/BTB map, as 4v4 is, like you said, pretty empty. As for the vehicles, what, in your opinion, would you change? What made them unbalanced? Also, would you recommend a V2? Or should I concentrate more on making something brand-new which is able to overcome the errors of this? P.S That is the kind of reply I like. Thank you for that, and also for taking the time to test it. If you get another chance to play it, play with at least 5v5 and you will definately feel a difference. Perhaps change vehicles to what you think would be necessary and let me know how that works out, either on here, or a quick message on LIVE. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to check this out.
This map is amazing and to the statement of that, one of the bases has dead-end rooms in it, this is false the rooms that this guy is talking about are the short cut rooms to the Front of the Big Base Level 2. If you get on the block down in the room you can hop up to the front of the base. This map is awesome for BR start on any thing over 4 v 4. Great job Reiko! Looks Great!
Looks like a neat map! I like what you did on the outside edges of it, nice geomerging with the sand! That curvy ramp was a cool idea.I also like the middle structure,it kinda reminds me of the one in my map carnage.They're always nice to see in maps because they usually make an excellent "control point" Judging from the weapon layout your map looks very balanced too! 5/5, but next time just straight out show the screenshots it was annoying having to click show to see cool parts of your forge creation.
I remember testing this. It played fairly well. The only problems I had with it was that it was hard to cross the center due to lack of cover. The only other complaint I have is that the lines of sight are not very good, especially for avoiding sniper fire. I did have to quit early in testing, because your 50 friends kept talking **** to me so I left. However, the time I did spend playing was enjoyed, and the map was very well balanced (not including sniper w/ lines of sight). The map had excellent flow, and the center structure is quite a nice spot to try and control. My reccomendation is to add another way to get from one side of the map to another, with cover, other than the center stucture.