ok i will work on this when i get to my dads btw your 3rd in line so it will be a day or two. thanks Edit- What level of sandbox would you like this on?
hmmm... I think I would prefer it on crypt... ya, make it one crypt because there isn't so much extra room everywhere
no problem what about outside the manision? as i see there is no way out is there and if there is do you just want me to think of something to do out side of it. and last what game type is it for?
There is a door labeled in the first picture, and 2 balconeys, I will probably put some little tunnels to help get into the map. If you would like to, you could put something outside, i was thinking about putting like a bunch of beat up, broken down houses that are like 3blocksx3blocks. It will be an infection map.
heh ok good luck if you have any questions plz do ask also if you could have an item count when u are done that wud be great
Next time someone gets a competitive map idea do you think that I can have it (if your not going to use it)? Because I am terrible at getting map ideas (I don't know why but yea). Thanks, HomieG54, GT-HomieG54
Im sure someone would be more than happy too. maybe if i get the time i will comeup with a few more ideas... =]
I have an mlg map iv'e been working on for a very long time with extremely complex geomerges it's 65% approx done, would be great if someone could sketch up it so i can show people what it will look like when done, if your interested msn me at marcinf3@hotmail.co.uk or msg me on xbl - gt = legend blaze
Sorry but creating a sketchup based around a map already being forged is not possible. You already started, so why do the planning phase when your over half way finished?
np dude. GUYS DONT FORGET! this is an adoption thread too. dont throw ur maps away Give them to people in NEED thanks!
*sigh* I'll give it a go... I don't have any pictures as I want you to make a sketch-up for me off your own imagination... me and a few friends made some maps and I'd like to see a sketch-up layout for a V3 on Sandbox as I am fresh out of Ideas.... the threads are here (V1), and here (V2)... if you could make a V3 from scratch that'd be cool... if not, thats cool, just "testing your abilities...."
lol wow. thats hard. no the actuall forging but u know what i mean. considering my foundry sketchup dont have the backrooms idk what i will do. but i will try. ur 3rd in line. =]
no no no... we want to do the third one on sandbox, the only reason the other ones aren't is because Rackem doesn't have Mythic yet....
Hey, just did a rough sketch of a map inspired by orbital: Will be changing up alot of the map just wanted it sketched so I didn't forget the idea. This is to be completely enclosed off, and I will be increasing the size so that the map supports up to 8 people (Hopefully). So, I give you Perigal Spoiler to decrease size: Spoiler
Offcourse it's possible, and why? Like iv'e allready said so i can show people what it will look like once completed, it still has 1-2 months of good forging to go because of the complexity of the forges
Its because YOU already know what it's going to be like. If you reach a block, ask someone else to look at it. It's because we need to know everything you've done so far, the spacing between objects, how far down you placed things and etc. It is just too much of a hassle for what it will be worth for both us and any forger.