If this is the wrong forum, I'm sorry. I know alot of people say that HLG is stupid and harsh etc. But it can be so funny. A youtube clip of the game might be coming up soon. Anyway, Me (Dave the Rave52), FirebirdCity, ST33L1X, STEALTH OWNED, HLG xSTORMx, austex360, PatchworkZombie and x Jimmy Skillz, just hid on Avalanche Heavy in Big Team. We started by gaining the lead (obviously), and then moved on to getting the whole team inside of a double box (not open), then when we were in there, we could kill the enemies, but they couldn't hurt us. It had to have been the funniest game ever, I heard one of the enemies shout 'OH MY GOD THAT BOX JUST LASERED ME!'. So, what is your best HLG ever, if you have HLG'd of course.
That must have been one of the most epicly hilarious matches ever. I'd love to see that on Youtube, especially to figure out how you managed to get 8 people in a double box during matchmaking. I've never done anything on that scale. I'm pretty sneaky, and I like to get assassinations but that's pretty much it. Edit: Oh, okay I have a pretty decent story. My friend and I were playing on the Pit, and I used the jumping on his head tactic to get inside that normally inaccessible room above the other team's base. So I sniped everyone who went on their sniper tower and then some. I remember when it got to a point that their entire team was just looking up at me throwing grenades. Good thing I had a regenerator.
I've failed at trying to get behind the lift on Blackout in Doubles xD. I got the curve jump onto the ledge on the side, but then I just screwed up really bad. That's the best for me, I guess.
No, I sensed no barrier. Besides, blocking that off will interfere with the gameplay. If the air vent works even when you're behind the building (my friend showed me) then a patching would just buttf*ck everything up. But maybe it is blocked off... Have you tried and just gotten bumped by invisible bungie employees or something?
hmmm... was in team doubles with hlg quagmire, we had a 5 pt lead on isolation, we were both on the same side hiding, some guy in a ghost drove right by us, and completely owned us, we lost cuz i us both in a hiding spot, ub that is a bad one, i would say on orbital customs, i was hiding right in front of some guy and he never saw me. fyi every1 one else quit... how the hack did u get into a double box?
To get into the double box, get a mongoose on its side by the box, and then brace it at the other side with a wathog, or something big, then get on the mongoose, get out and there you go.
i hid on the ledge above sniper on guardian. IT was a TD game, but 1 player from each team left and I had the lead by a few kills so I figured 'what the hell.' The guy passed me a total of 26 times, several times where i shot him a little bit and then he started frantically looking around snipe. The best part came after the game. He was like, OK U PIECE OF **** WHERE THE **** WERE YOU????? and all i said was look in theatre mode. ten minutes later, i got a message: That image will be scarred forever in the stitches required to sew up my gut shortly after i busted it laughing at this message. I had to turn off the xbox because I couldn't play anymore I was laughing so hard
Honestly I very rarely hide. However a buddy and I grabbed the camo on Standoff snipers, went out to the edge of the map, crouched down in some grass and just sat there. Waited out the game. It was like, 48 - 30. Quite fun. I'd honestly love to know how the double box trick is done.
Oh, you have no idea. Playing doubles with my friend sam, and his connection buttfu*ked him and he lagged out. The game was on Blackout and it was Team Snipers, we were losing by 3 or so but then somehow i got the score 8 to 10 i think. I hid at around 7:00 and it was the worst hiding spot on the map, and i got 2 clips from it. Download them. Now. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
Yeah, that was a pretty bad game. XD But we did manage to hide their for a solid five minutes... @ meltyourtv & Dave: It's not blocked. FlashPoint or Shuttie (can't remember) got behind the lift in Oddball a few days ago. Anyway... I've collected a few HLG clips so far and will probably make a montage soon. As for my best HLG game ever, it would have to be Team Snipers on High Ground. My whole team quit, and it was 4v1. I still had the lead though, because the other team sucked ass. Using the grav lift, I got up to a spot in the sniper spawn cave and hid there the whole game.
It's not cheating, hacking or an unfair advantage. you have to gain the lead first, so if you play against HLG players, never let them get the lead.
Sounds kool, cant wait for the vid and that method is what is used in last stand to get behind one of the walls Sounds pretty funny man..
Umm... my very best was one time in Social Slayer on Epitaph. I had 2 guests along with me, we fired up a game, and one of our teammates left before the game started. So: 3 against 4, we started to play and found out that there wasn't much of a way that we could win. Right when we got a lead, we went HLG. Me being the only one knowing the hiding spots, I had to teach my friends the spots. You know the wall on the opposite side of the waterfall, there are two spots that are just right above the death barrier and wedge you between two flexible barriers. So one person per side, and got another person to stand on top of another person. We had won the game with only just 1 point. Other HLG matches are just me and my friends hiding on top of the second level of the bases on The Pit. Another one was us hiding inside one of the base in Vahalla, while the other team was hogging all the vehicles thinking that they're so good. And retardly, we won the game because nobody on the other team wanted to leave their vehicle.
WOW, really, High Ground? I rarely get to HLG on High Ground, there's so few good spots. Last Stand? Also, I hid today in social slayer, we used the method of getting inside a double box, but got out of rats nest instead.
Team Snipers on Guardian. 4 vs 1 in favor of the other team. I spawned elbow, immediately sniped two people coming through the mancannon to the spiral tower. After I figured it was safe, I reverse jumped the mancannon to get to their original spawn and get in the spot just above and behind the mancannon. I went on to camp out the game, sniping dino birds when I got bored. After the game I received several hate messages.
i like how you dubbed the birds "dinobirds" how did they not see/hear the shots? were u above the sniper/overshield room thingy?