Community Gametypes Database

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Maxwell360, Jan 28, 2008.

  1. PhantomBishop

    PhantomBishop Ancient
    Senior Member

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    sounds like a fun map lookin forward to playin it 3/5
  2. Absurdist

    Absurdist Ancient
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    Name: CanniBall
    Created by: Absurdist Of
    Brief Description: The oddball is not for killing. Play late at night.
    Settings: WITH Oddball : 125% speed, 50% gravity. WITHOUT Oddball : 125% speed 75% gravity, Rockets with infinite ammo. 200-250 Points
    Suggested maps: Valhalla, any other open but medium large maps.
    Suggested Players: 3-5 (best with 3)

    Name: Run forest run!
    Created by: Absurdist Of
    Brief Description: Not too original, but crazy fun.
    Settings: The Juggernaut must get to the checkpoints. BR starts, no other map changes. Play to 15-20 points. Juggernaut- Infinite ammo, Regenerating nades, 110% speed, 75% gravity. CANNOT drive or turret. Not Juggernaut- Normal person with BR starts and regenerating nades.
    Suggested maps: Last resort, maybe high ground, any other medium open, medium sized maps with sufficient indoor space and cover.
    Suggested Players: 3-4
  3. BlackCossack

    BlackCossack Ancient
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    Splinter Cell

    A gamtype based on Splinter Cell muliplayer. One team are mercinaries; are impossible to kill except by assasination, have normal speed gravity ect, no motion sensor and are equiped with infinate amo, instant kill (magnum)pistols.

    The others, the spies, have good camo, increased speed, lower gravity, enhanced motion sensors and only plasma pistols (but they wont do anything).

    The spies have to assasinate the mercinaries while the mercinaries have to try and spot them and kill them. Its one life per round and teams switch every round. The winner (not that it really matters) is the team with the most total kills both ways at the end of four rounds.

    This is a fun casual game thats suprosingly addictive and can also get competative. Its best played with between 4 and 10 players but any number works. It also works on any map but i prefer (and highly recomend guardian) The maps dont have to be altered as wepon pick up is disabled and OS does nothing. But the invis can be used by the mercs or wasted by the spies (to no effect but to waste it) this can add an extra dimention to the game or can be anoying.

    Im sorry i dodnt follow the format but the settings are complicated and not really the points its easyer to describe them. (its made from a VIP varient but the VIP makes no difference what-so-ever)

    The gametype along with screen shots and a video (grouped) are on the link. A youtube vid is comming when GV is back up. : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    Made by BlackCossack and Chazzinator93
  4. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    Dodgeball SL

    Created by: God (Seaboro Kibbles)
    Brief Description: Using the hill as a barrier, creates a fair, unlimited game of dodgeball (slayer with only stickes) This map does have a specific requirement listed in this thread, which also has a detailed discription and explanation of this game.
    Settings: Are in this thread
    Suggested maps: Front Line, Hostility
    Suggested Players: 2-6 (1-16 supported)
    #44 Seaboro Kibbles, Oct 13, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2008
  5. DKsavage99

    DKsavage99 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks for all these game types
    one question....
    on the CLUE gametype, how exactly does it work?
    dies every1 hav an oddball or just one person?
    it sounds awesomely fun, but im just not sure how it works.

    oh, and ill give you some smileys for this database.
    more awesome the more you update it
    good luck updating this
  6. Angry French Fries


    Likes Received:
    wow thanks that helps alot man!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    (Both Variants Below are VIP Variants.)


    Created by: Doog Nit
    Brief Description: For use with the map "DoogNitized"
    Settings: Rocket Race with Shotguns instead of Rockets/Go To Points activated/Invulnerable/50% speed 200% jumping
    Suggested maps: DoogNitized
    Suggested Players: 4 - 12

    Team Skate
    Created by: Doog Nit
    Brief Description: For use with the map "DoogNitized"
    Settings: One person per Mongoose/Go To Points activated/Invulnerable/50% speed 200% jumping
    Suggested maps: DoogNitized
    Suggested Players: 2 - 8
    #47 Doog Nit, Nov 22, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2008
  8. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    BRz & Beatdownz

    Created by: EpicFishFingers
    Brief Description: Basically a version of SWAT. Except with 2 headshots to kill. And it's more fun. It's set to team, but FFA works too. 50 kills to win.
    Settings: 300% damage resistance, no shields; primary weapon = BR, secondary weapon = Energy sword; no changes no speed; no grenades anywhere; dual weapons are the only weapons on the map.
    Suggested maps: The Pit(tested), Guardian (tested), Cold Storage (tested), Isolation, Construct, Snowbound, Epitaph. Erm, basically any small to middle-sized symmetrical map works. Including all custom competitive Foundry mpas (we tested it on a map from here called Building Arise, and it was fun. We also played it on Distortion, which made our heads hurt...)
    Suggested Players: up to 6 players FFA, up to 8 players in teams of 2 or 4 (or 9 players for 3 teams of 3 if you want).

    Don't knock it until you've tried it. It's amazingly fun, and the Bulltrue medals are satisfying...
  9. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Bit of a necro buddy ^
    I made something almost exactly like this, I called it Saber Swat.
  10. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh. Good name...

    Sorry for the necro. Does it really matter though, it's a stickied thread.
  11. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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  12. cooldog99

    cooldog99 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have a REALLY fun infection game type
    name: Bull fight
    author: unkown, i will not take credit, not my original idea
    description: 1 zombie tries to run over X amount of humans with a chopper but cannot shoot, much like a bull, and humans have pistols and can kill the zombie in any fashion available.
    suggested maps: any bull fight map
    this one is my newest creation : Halo 3 File Details
    if you want another good one just pm me, my gamertag is cooldog99
    game variant download: : Halo 3 File Details
  13. Zombiedude101z

    Zombiedude101z Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Here is my resident evil classic gametype called G virus that works with most maps.

    Humans have BRs and normal shield 100% gravity and can use vehicles and pickup weapons.

    Zombies have energy sword, normal gravity ,no shield,
    Alpha has 110% damage resist, normal has 100% damage resist,
    both have instant kill.

    Here is dl link: : Halo 3 File Details
  14. Slyphidius

    Slyphidius Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey I noticed that your link to the covenant gametype was (technically) broken so I found it for you it's a link to the fileshare of the person that made it: : Halo 3 File Details. Oh and the description for the gametype isn't complete it's: 2 Alpha Zombies: no shields, 300% damage resistance start with Spartan lasers, 200% damage multiplier, no grenades, infinite Ammo, no weapon pickup, 75% speed, 200% gravity, Normal sensors, Orange appearance. Zombies: 50% resistance, normal shields, 50% slower shield recharge, Immune to headshots (don't know why though), 50% damage multiplier, start with AR, No grenades, Infinite ammo, no weapon pickup, 90% speed, full vehicle use, normal sensors, purple appearence. Humans: Start with AR/magnum, no weapon pickup if not everything is default Last man: Damage resistance: 110%, 110% shield recharge rate, 110% damage multiplier, 110% speed, enhanced sensors and green colour.

    I know all this is a bit too much to put on just one game but I just thought you could use this as a template to put the covenant gametype up to date since it's kind of wrong (no offence), on the other hand this could merely be a new version of the covenant game and you might have been giving an older version but it's from the same person you linked to in the forum thread so I just thought I might share this with you. Hope it helps.

    Regards: Slyphidius

    Oh and I'm going to try and make all those gametypes that don't have a link to them and post them here so you'll have something to link to.
    #54 Slyphidius, Apr 27, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  15. Aruseus493

    Aruseus493 Ancient
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    The Survival game type on the first page isnt there anymore. I can't download it cause it takes me to a thread with only 3 comments and the guy who had it isnt in his fileshare anymore
  16. Darkastic

    Darkastic Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by:
    Brief Description: This is a variant I created one late night to help test out a map. You do not make points by holding the ball. You earn 7 points by bashing people with the ball. Other players earn 10 points by killing the ball carrier. Score is to 100.
    Basic idea: The ball carrier gets less points because he/she is harder to kill, but getting kills while being the ball carrier is easier.
    Settings:Ball Carrier Traits: Dmg resist: 150% and Immune to headshots. Speed 125% and Gravity 75%. Appearance: Poor camo. No waypoint. Forced color: White.
    Ball respawn delay: 15 seconds.
    Base Player Traits: Radar is 75 meters at Normal mode. Appearance: Forced color is Black.
    Works with Teams or Free For All.
    Suggested maps:Any map with an even mix of open and closed areas.
    Suggested Players: 3-10

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