I know, what you're going to say, what with LD being over now. But this thread is here to prepare you for the next LD dubs playlist, which will be here in May. Now, Bungie made these maps pretty well. There are no obvious dead-end corridors or places to just stay until you're the last man. So I'm going to show you some realtively safe spots on each map I played on over the course of the playlist: Deadlock To get to this spot, jump onto the large ledge at the top of BR spawn, and then crouch jump to gte onto the light. Jump every time a zombie gets too close, it makes it harder to lunge at you. The most obvious camping spot, this is near the bottom of the lift. Only one entrance, so nice and safe. It also looks out on several fusion coils, so it's the ultimate camping spot. Too bad it's so well known. For those of you who don't know where the crate pictured above is: Infected Manor A good place I found, like others, was the roof. But I had to take it one step further: To get there, jump on the crate before someone pushes it down the hole. Then jump on the spot. Another hiding spot that I didn't get a picture of is the spot round the back of the building. Just hang around back there, eventually a zombie'll see you. If you're feeling selfish, take the machine gun turret with you. Just don't drop it until it's empty... Bubonic This one's obvious: Just get two people up there and stay away from the grav lifts and you'll be fine. Another spot that I didn't get a pic of is the LZ area. Rip off the turret and stand on the open double box. Try and also get someone to cover your six (the centre where the camo and turret spawn). If you're quick enough you can always man the warthog turret. Assuming you're not betrayed, the round victory is essentially handed over to you on a silver platter. Another method by Kilr0n: Dish of Doom The obvious place to camp with lots of people is here: But if you find yourself alone, try and slip past the zombies and sit here for a bit: Valhalla Oh god, this map is sooo easy to camp on. Shame, I can't remember the infection variant's name. No matter: This is me, knowing that I'll never ever die to the zombies unless I jump down. Just grenade jump up here. Only works on the right-hand side of the beachside base for some reason, but that's where the humans spawn. This isn't me, but because the zombies have 150% jump, he'll survive through the round too. I hope you can see him... Another spot, this one doesn't require any effort hardly. This isn't me either though. It's quite hard to see the grey-armored spartan hiding here (who isn't me), but this spot can accommodate up to 4 people. It also requires a grenade jump, so is a safe hiding spot for all infection variants. I played this Valhalla with the Infection gametype "Speed Demons", so not all the hiding spots may work in "Save One Bullet". No matter, there are still two turrets and a warthog at your disposal... So the lesson is to always veto Valhalla. Always. Post your hiding spots! Pictures would be nice, but not required.
Won't the next Living Dead be in Mythic? Dang, I gotta get Microsoft points soon... What sucks about living dead is that if you're the last man standing there's a waypoint over your head, and everyone gets to see your hiding spot.
For Infected Manor, zombies start to overwelm. Your spot gets hasty after a while, a neat trick i picked up was to get 2(makes things much easier) people to beat down that crate besides the stairs until it flips over the stairs, covering most of it. then both of the people beat down the spool on the crate. Now theres only one spot zombies can crawl in from which you can easily point your gun on that spot.
Too bad Bungie took away our ability to play Living Dead with our friends. Oh well, when it rolls around I'll just play an infection variant that doesn't emphasize unfair camping. In custom games. With my FRIENDS.
Isolation is so easy to camp on. =P Just crouch jump off a radio antennae onto this one tree, and you'll survive every round.
Yea the next Living Dead is going to incorporate Mythic maps, so hiding on them is going to be dang hard. Orbital not so much there is a ledge down the elevator shaft you can reach, but on Assembly just hope and pray you get alot if kills because its almost impossible to camp by your self.
It's not going to just be Mythic maps. It'll require the Mythic maps, but these maps will still come up (well, actually I hope Valhalla is excluded this time round for obvious reasons)
there's another one on bubonic that is impossible for the zombies to reach. I can't remember the exact details but you get on top of the bridge in the center then grenade jump on top of one of the lights. Since zombies don't have grenades they can't get you.
Oh yeah, forgot about that. You can do it with the pipes too, but if the zombies jump on the pipes they can get a lunge attack in.
Lol, I just found out why they don't let parties of more than one into Living Dead. It's because if you have two or more HLG guys, and they successfully hide, there will be no waypoint which Bungie considers cheating...
No yea i know it won't only by Mythic i said it will incorporate Mythic, Also on Dish of Death (Standoff) if your tannish brown you can hide next to the cliff really well, until your the last one left.