Hi, I am planning on remaking the Crossfire map from COD4 on Sandbox's top 'Outer space' level. This map will include detail on the bigger buildings only. Another feature I will include is the ability to glitch as you would on COD4. I know this is an incredibly difficult task I'm taking on, however I will take it slow so the finished product would not look rushed. The problem I have immediately found is that I am not not sure where to position the basic shape of Crossfire. I have plenty of reference images and can see the 'Z' shape of it, but am struggling to build it so it sits in the dead center of Sandbox's top floor and stays to scale of the original Crossfire map. This problem leads me to ask for a Sandbox Designer on Forge Hub, just as there is a Foundry Designer as I feel this will be beneficial to many. Besides this, any advice on my adventurous endeavor or support would be much appreciated. Josh
The "Outer Space" level is the sky bubble. I don't understand why you would make it up there because you would probably run into the OLN with all the objects, I would make it in the ground level. (Not the Crypt)
Thankyou for correcting me, however I prefer to say 'Outer space' level. I don't know what the OLN is, but I will tell you that it is IMPOSSIBLE to make it in any of the lower levels as they are no where near big enough... TRUST ME, I HAVE DONE MY RESEARCH.
Ok well let me explain the OLN. The OLN is the Object Limit Number. Every map has it and is basically the number of objects you can place on a map. I don't know what the OLN is for sandbox, but it's pretty high. If you do make this, I'll definitely download, and if you need any help my gt is Manoukian1414
This task would be super hard to do in the skybubble, you would have to make the ground which would waste ALOT of your resources and theres a big chance you are going to hit the item limit. If you really want to make that map in the skybubble, I recommend you crop some of the map off so it's a bit smaller.
I believe the OLN number for sandbox was 300. So you can only spawn 300 objects (including spawns, weapons, equipment, just everything you can spawn ). The basic objects of sandbox however don't count towards the 300 objects, so I advise to use at least all the basic spawns and every other thing you could use. (don't go interlocking the basic objects or setting respawn at start No, 'cause they won't spawn, or they will spawn but they won't be editable, or other frustrating things will happen.)
I thought SB was 600? I might be mistaken. Anyway the sky bubble will present serious problems with the OLN.