Hi, I am planning on remaking the Crossfire map from COD4 on Sandbox's top 'Outer space' level. This map will include detail on the bigger buildings only. Another feature I will include is the ability to glitch as you would on COD4. I know this is an incredibly difficult task I'm taking on, however I will take it slow so the finished product would not look rushed. The problem I have immediately found is that I am not not sure where to position the basic shape of Crossfire. I have plenty of reference images and can see the 'Z' shape of it, but am struggling to build it so it sits in the dead center of Sandbox's top floor and stays to scale of the original Crossfire map. This problem leads me to ask for a Sandbox Designer on Forge Hub, just as there is a Foundry Designer as I feel this will be beneficial to many. Besides this, any advice on my adventurous endeavor or support would be much appreciated. Josh
This should be in Forge Discussion, not here. This is for completed maps only. And by the way, the "Outer Space" is the SKybubble.
As good as this idea sounds, unfortunately, this is the wrong forum. This is meant to be posted in Forge Discussion. This sounds really good, but as it is not a map post and merely a map idea, it must be moved to Forge Discussion. Sorry. I'll try and contact a mod to move it for you.
Don't worry about it. Just delete this thread because I've posted the same thing in 2 other places (didn't know which one to post it into ???)
Okay really guys, mastersync23, he has already been told that this is the wrong section to post this. He only needs one person to tell him. But if you still can't find out how, message someone like a moderator (which I believe they can delete your thread for you) Your new so don't worry too much, just make sure you learn from your mistakes. =)
well to answer your question, since none else has paid attention to it. You should download google sketchup and the sandbox models. It will give you a 3-D view of what you want to creat and is free. the thread with th download links is here. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-discussion/58558-ultimate-sandbox-sketchup-template.html
add (Triple X NOXIS) and i will help you build it. I was recently thinking of doing the same thing. that is strange. Any way i got some good ideas so add me and i will help.
I would Like to help also, I play lots of Halo AND COD4, I could help with your referances and stuff. Add mee or give me your Gamertag. Mine is XxK1LLR0YxX (the 0 is a zero)
Just to give a tip, the sky bubble may not be the smartest choice for making your map. Since Crossfire is extremely big, it would require way to much items to create the floor, and even if you scaled it down it would still be very hard. It is probably a better choice to make it on the middle level of Sandbox where you can use the default floor as the floor for your level and use as much objects as possible for the actual map.
You wont have enough space, I could fit half of chinatown in the crypt. If you dont run out of space you will run out of materials... Unless you budget glitch.