A BIG Problem with my map...

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by muttonhead688, Apr 25, 2009.

  1. muttonhead688

    muttonhead688 Ancient
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    Hello, Forge Hub. My name is muttonhead688. I am new here. This thread is the reason why I came. I think that you guys are the only people I can turn to now...Forge is you're thing after all.

    I have been working really hard on a map this week. Then I ran into a problem. On this version of Sandbox that I was forging on, the guardians are blocked at the top of the towers of doom, death, and destruction. The reason that this is a problem is the two facts that one, allows players to escape the borders of the ground floor of Sandbox and two, has objects outside of the map border...posing a problem of this map ever being able to be put into a matchmaking playlist; which was my intent in creating this map from the beginning. (some rule?)

    The map itself is decent so far. In my previous thread Halo 3 Forums that got locked because I was obsessing over the success of this map (therefor using two profiles, I bumped myself into getting help), people gave me ideas and their opinions and help on how they would go about to fix the problem. Well, I went in and 'glitched' out of the map using the teleporter trick and I managed to delete all of the objects blocking each tower except for one.

    Now here is the big problem that is probably going to stick with me until the end unless I get professional forge help. Unlike all the other towers of doom, death, and destruction (which allow me to get almost right up and touch it before I die [allowing me to delete any objects in the way of the guardian's beams of destruction]), this single tower (the one right behind the teleporter exactly) doesn't even let me get into 'object grabbing' range before the map blows me up. And because I am now a pile of scraps sitting on the dark sand dunes, I cannot delete this object.

    If you do not understand these words that make up several walls of text, then please download this video in my file share so you can see from your own TV what my problem is. Now, I thought that I would introduce the map to you all first so...here is the short version of the layout of the film clip that lasts appx. 3:00.

    -Back Ramp (vehicle placement will come later)
    -Flag Spawn
    -Blue Base (weapon placement will come later)
    -Main Ramp
    -Side Ramp
    -Sniper Tower
    -Sniper Pawnage Dance
    -Rocket Platform
    -Red Base (don't get dizzy)
    -Overview (vehicle, spawn, and weapon placement will come later)
    -Weird Structure Thing
    -Embarrassing Suicide (on purpose)
    -Normal Tower of Doom
    -Embarrassing Suicide (accidental)
    -Abnormal Tower of Doom

    If you have managed to read this far and actually download that clip, bless you. It means a lot to me. Now, I will take your ideas and opinions.

  2. Caretaker

    Caretaker Ancient
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    Overload the map. Spawn some trip mines, set the run-time minimum to however many you placed and keep dropping them till the map is overloaded.
  3. muttonhead688

    muttonhead688 Ancient
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    Okay, thanks. I will try. Right now, it is a beautiful day so I'm not going to waste it. Who knows...maybe Bungie won't even notice it... >.> <.<
  4. version2

    version2 Ancient
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    Did you seriously not know how to overload a map so that the Guardians would be turned off?
  5. muttonhead688

    muttonhead688 Ancient
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    No...it's different...not like that. The MAP is blowing me up; not the guardians. If you would have downloaded the damn video, like I said, you would understand...or at least you thought you understood...realize that you don't. It's totally different. Just download the video. It makes sense!

  6. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    hahaha, owned!
    anyway i have a solution that worked on snowbound. i had about 15 other people go outside of the bounsdaries so the turrets would deal with them more than me. i then went and blocked the turrets so they couldn't hurt me or my other players. i unid this a few days latter to see if it was still posible. you could do the same type of thing get a dosen players and get them to go outside of the map with you and then mabie one of you could delete the block. i'd also help, and could get a few players together.
  7. Jzzkc

    Jzzkc Ancient
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    I hate to tell you this, but from the looks of it, whoever blocked off the towers moved away the block from their reticle. What this means, is that when they realized that from the normal.. past the barrier distance, they could not block the tower. So what they did is doubled the default distance from them to the tower. While it did block the tower, it made it quite literally impossible to even touch that item, since you can't get in reach, even if you are on the edge of the death barrier. I'm sorry to say that there's a good chance not even the best forger on forgehub can get that object for you, I'm sorry :(
  8. Jzzkc

    Jzzkc Ancient
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    He didn't make it explicitly clear... the towers are not blowing him up, the DEATH BARRIER is... therefore overloading the map won't do the trick. I do know one method to delete your object, but it involves somebody with mods to take out their hard drive from the xbox while in-game. What this will do is remove EVERYTHING the map has placed, allow you to go past the death barrier, and delete the object. This is the ONLY way to delete the object, since it is past the death barrier. I have a friend with such access to modded content, I'll see if I can get in touch with him so he can help you.
  9. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    I'm guessing that you're using my SandboxUltimate canvas, yes (I only know of one other canvas with the lasers blocked)? That tower was the biggest pain in the neck to cover up, because I had to go right up to the death barrier (twice) without crossing, and hold the double walls as far away as possible (before using the save-and-quit method to float them). I've actually encountered the same problem as you have on my most recent map, Hasmonean--in trying to delete the laser-blocker, I get blown up.

    Jzzkc is right, you need someone with mods to get to that laser. It's either that, or you remake the map on a canvas that doesn't have the lasers blocked from the start.
  10. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Put a teleporter down and set it to each channel. There might still be a receiver node outside the map so you can get out there the easy way, If not, overload the map.
  11. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Click the Right Stick to zoom in while in Monitor Mode as you would with a weapon. Then you can grab things that are farther away.
  12. Jzzkc

    Jzzkc Ancient
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    Can that really work? I thought that I had tried this in the past and it didn't do any good. If it does work, let me know... I'm sure it would be helpful to forgers that lose objects, including myself
  13. muttonhead688

    muttonhead688 Ancient
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    Actually, I used the 'Hugebox Stacked' version made by Foman. Thanks for the help guys, but I don't want to deal with mods in my map...bad idea on my part.

  14. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    i guess you'd need to remake it then....
  15. muttonhead688

    muttonhead688 Ancient
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    If you know ONEARM ASSASSIN, him and I are going to be getting together to re-make it. We'll share the credit. But yeah...I'm going to have to...still...at the moment, it looks really nice.


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