This is a forge map that has blocked lasers, infinite money, and a teleporter that takes you out of the map. A great forging map for all ypu forgehub members. NOW FOR THE PICS!!! DOWNLOAD SANDBOX XTREME This is the infinite money area "sorry for the small pic, but that is the teleporter that goes out of the map This is where you end up when you go through the teleporter Sorry again because it was a thumbnail, but if you look closely you see the towers are blocked
ive been looking for a map like this with the gaardians off and money glitch. ive always had to choose between the two.did you do it yourself or borrw someone elses and modify it? thanks tho edit. thts cool. well done. its jsut cos i have a map with the guardians off already called unlimited. just theres 2 places on the map u can get shot at. are these places there on this map too?
I didnt borrow it i had to get out of the map to block the guardians, and the inf money glitch took forever
if your gonna make a map like this make it organized noone wants to search through andom items to find what they want
Seems helpful that you combined the two most needed canvases, but you could have made a much neater job of the money glitch. Might I suggest making different versions with the objects on the crypt, main level, and the skybox?
there is a problem with your map. there is one place (possibly more) on the outside of the map where you can in fact get shot by the guardians. you need to fix this.