After about a week of forging its finaly done.I realised that so far I have only made infection maps so since the sandbox will be here soon I decided to make my last foundry map , this map unlike my previus maps this is a symmetric competitive team based map so here it is: Substructio Symmetric map for team games, 6-10 players. Red Base: Blue base: Blue base front: Red base front: Overview of the "wall" sliting the two bases up (note the fusion coils are gone): The highly compedative high ground: Overview center: Rocket spawn: Sniper spawn: Crane ( well sortof ): Blue team attack the red base!... They get the flag! And get to their base safely! Red vs Blue: Hugs! Dl link: Halo 3 File Details This map does not use the budget glitch (even has some cash left over) Hopefully this map will let foundry go out with a bang Hope u enjoy and please rate and leve a coment!
This looks really good, except for the part that isn't where the bases are. Looks king of sloppy. Replace it with double box items and it will fit aesthetically. I really think this would play a lot like gridlocked. It's nicely made and uses vehicles as a center point. The aesthetics are great and although it doesn't seem like you'd see a warthog coming out of the base because of the crammed area leaving the base, it still does. I love the fact that you made a fence too. But, I'm startingg to notice a pattern. All of the Sandbox maps get replys, but Foundry maps don't. That really frustrates me. Oh well. You did a great job on this.
is this a v2? Cuz i know for sure ive seen that rocket spawn idea before, in that same spot... and that one picture with the warthog i think ive seen before too. Either this is a v2, or you stole a lot of ideas, or the whole map since i dont really remember it.
This better be a v2 because i have this map, have played on it and have read o post of it before. Doesnt look like anything new is on the map!
Its is a great map aestheticly and the crane is really awesome. Really people just cause something looks the same doesnt mean its stolen.
I think it looks nice, but not very great gameplay due to the "The highly compedative high ground". If you are up high you will be at a large advantage, and in my opinion there arent enough ways to get to that high ground to counter the opposing team. Basically increase the flow
I was thinking the same thing. The rocket spawn is exactly the same as the map you are talking about, did you just use some ideas or did you borrow the map?
looks pretty sweet. what really drew my eye is the use of unconventional forging techniques, like the stairway-to-doublebox ramp in each base. i understand the vehicle dominance factor, but it seems like you need a structure out in the middle of teh map by rocket spawn. all of your existing structures are really good, so i have no doubt that you cant pull it off. if u need some help forging, my gt is SOURDAUER. or u can just give me a pm of forgehub. best of luck! 4/5
I need help with spawns becouse i want the map to support every gametype and i did not steal the map couse i wos the one that posted v1 here i tryed to mess around with spawns but i still think i can inprove also i will be working on the senter area So if ur good at forge and spwn points please send a friend request to GUINEAPIGMONSTR