i have a new set of 5 maps will be called the Urban map set. i already have #1 done so now unto #2; Urbanen Kriegsführung (this is German fo Urban Warfare.) EDIT: i have come up a few other posible map names all in german and translated into english. städtischen Blutbad (Urban Carnage) another regular slayer map. Vorort schießen-aus (Suburb Shoot-out) a team slayer map. Stadt-Hochburg (Urban Stronghold.) a defense map.it'll most likley be an assault map. städtischen Untoten (Urban Undead.) an infection map. städtischen Krieghandwerk (Urban Warcraft) a team slayer map. städtischen Werke Tod (Urban Death Works) this will be either an infection map or a jugernaught map. if you have any sugestionsm. post them below.